With Angus Australia’s extensive audience reach we offer several advertising opportunities to promote the sale of Angus cattle and associated events, products and services.
Angus Australia’s print and digital advertising opportunities ensures you reach your target market, those interested in the Angus breed, as well as the overall cattle and agricultural industries.
Standard advertising opportunities are outlined within this media kit, alternatively, please feel free to contact us to discuss tailor made packages.
All prices outlined in this document are GST inclusive. For full terms and conditions of advertising with Angus Australia, CLICK HERE
To book your advertising, please contact marketing@angusaustralia.com.au
The Angus Bulletin is a quarterly publication mailed out to over 4,000 people each quarter and is used widely as a promotional tool for the Angus breed.
Each issue contains industry news and interviews, latest breed development initiatives, stories on genetic improvement, Angus Youth activities, Angus Sire Benchmarking updates and success in the use of Angus genetics around Australia.
To ensure maxiumum reach and exposure of your advertisement, each issue is sent to all members of Angus Australia, new members and industry representatives.
The Angus Bulletin is also created into a digital version which is published on the Angus Australia website and social media pages, as well as promoted via Angus Australia’s weekly eNews. Thus greatly improving the advertising reach of the publication and allowing readers to digitally interact with information.
Business card – $165
96mm wide x 65mm high
Quarter page – $330
192mm wide x 70mm high
Third Page – $440
192mm wide x 89mm high
Half Page (horizontal) – $660
192mm wide x 135mm high
Half Page (vertical) – $660
96mm wide x 270mm high
Full page – $ 1,000
210mm wide x 297mm high with 4mm bleed
Inside Front Cover – $1,200
210mm wide x 297mm high with 4mm bleed
Inside Back Cover – $ 1,100
210mm wide x 297mm high with 4mm bleed
Back Cover – $ 1,300
210mm wide x 297mm high with 4mm bleed
SUPPLIED MATERIAL: Pre designed advertisements must be submitted as high resolution (300dpi) pdf or jpg in CMYK format. NON-ACCEPTABLE FILE FORMATS: include Microsoft Publisher, Word, Pagemaker, Excel, Powerpoint files.
Autumn 2025
Ad bookings close: 12/02/25
Artwork Material Due: 19/02/25
Online Release (approx.):Late March 25
Winter 2025
Ad bookings close: 14/05/25
Artwork Material Due: 21/05/25
Online Release (approx.): Late June 2025
Spring 2025
Ad bookings close: 13/08/28
Artwork Material Due: 20/08/25
Online Release (approx.): Late September 2025
Summer 2026
Ad bookings close: 12/11/25
Artwork Material Due: 19/11/25
Online Release (approx.): late December 2025 (before Christmas 2025)
The Angus Australia website is the central hub for all Angus information and on average receives over 40,000 page views per month.
Website banners appear not only on the home page of the website, but also throughout the entire website and as an added bonus are promoted via Angus Australia’s social media channels.
Website banners can be linked to a medium of your choice, eg. website, sale catalogue, video etc.
Ad specifications: Dimensions 300px wide by 250px high Ad rates: $165 per week ($132 per week with the 20% sale catalogue discount and GST – see below)
The Angus Australia Weekly distributed weekly to over 4,000 members and industry representatives, as well as promoted via Angus Australia’s social media channels.
Along with standard banner advertisments, advertisers now have the option to insert a sale preview video directly into The Weekly.
The Weekly banners can be linked to a medium of your choice, eg. website, sale catalogue, video etc.
Video advertising must be provided as a link to either YouTube of Vimeo videos.
Advertising option 1 (banner):
Ad specifications: Dimensions 300px wide by 250px high Ad rates: $110 per edition
Advertising option 2 (banner):
Ad specifications: Dimensions 600px wide by 174px high Ad rates: $330 per edition
Advertising option 3 (video)*:
Ad specifications: Provide link to YouTube or Vimeo videos. Ad rates: $110 per edition
* a limit of 2 video advertisements per Weekly edition will be applied. Bookings will be accepted on a first in first serve basis.
Released at the end of each month, Angus Up Next is distributed to Angus members and subscribers and includes information on all upcoming events and a list of upcoming sales that have catalogues listed with Angus Australia.
Four advertising opportunities per edition.
Size: MREC 300px wide by 250px high Ad Rates: $330 per edition
Released once hard copies of the bulletin have been distributed, the Angus Bulletin Extra is distributed to Angus members and subscribers and includes multimedia and feature articles from the latest edition of the Bulletin.
Four advertising opportunities per edition, open to members who advertised in the relevant edition.
Size: MREC 300px wide by 250px high Ad Rates: $330 per edition
Angus Australia offers a number of incentives to advertisers to help them get the most out of the advertising opportunities.
Website advertising & sale catalogues: receive a 20% discount on web site advertising when using the Angus Australia sale catalogue services. Discounted rate, $132 per week.
Bulletin advertising: receive a 10% discount if booking and paying for 4 issues in advance.
Alternatively, please feel free to contact us to discuss tailor made and extended packages, marketing@angusaustralia.com.au