Understanding Selection Indexes

Understanding Selection IndexesBanner

Ten selection indexes are published for animals within the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation (TACE).

The selection indexes cater for a range of different breeding systems, target markets and production systems, and include:

Index Name & Abbreviation

Angus Breeding Index – $A

Domestic Index – $D

Heavy Grain Index – $GN 

Heavy Grass Index – $GS

Angus Breeding Low Feed Cost Index – $A-L

Domestic Low Feed Cost Index – $D-L

Heavy Greain Low Feed Cost Index – $GN-L

Heavy Grass Low Feed Cost Index – $GS-L

AngusPRO Index – $PRO

Angus Terminal Sire Index – $T

Angus on Dairy RESEARCH Index – $AxD

The selection indexes are economic selection indexes and are derived using BreedObject technology, as developed by the Animal Genetics & Breeding Unit (AGBU) in Armidale, NSW.

This module provides an overview of each selection index, along with some background information regarding selection indexes and how they are calculated.

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