Viewing genetic condition status

Viewing genetic condition statusBanner

Angus Australia currently reports the genetic condition status of animals within Angus.Tech.

For each genetic condition, the first two letters of the code indicate the genetic condition, with the status of the animal displayed as follows;

 _ _ F

Indicates that the sample submitted for the animal has been tested and found to be free of the causative mutation responsible for the condition. This animal is homozygous free,

 _ _ C

Indicates that the sample submitted for the animal has been tested and found to be a carrier of the causative mutation responsible for the condition. This animal is heterozygous for the mutation, meaning that it has one mutant allele and one normal allele. This animal could pass the mutation to approximately half of its progeny.

_ _ FU
Free Untested

Indicates that, based on the pedigree information supplied by the breeder of the animal, the animal is expected to be free of the mutation responsible for the condition but has not been tested. However, this animal has not been tested for the causative mutation and Angus Australia gives no guarantee as the animal’s free status.

_ _ _ %

Indicates that, based on the pedigree information supplied by the breeder of the animal, the animal has a chance of being a carrier of the mutation responsible for the condition but has not been tested. The higher the indicated percentage, the larger the chance the animal may be a carrier. To verify the status of this animal, Angus Australia recommends a test be undertaken prior to using this animal for breeding purposes.

_ _ A

Indicates that the sample submitted for this animal has been tested and the animal found to be homozygous for the mutation responsible for the genetic condition and have two copies of the mutant variant of the gene. Note, for some recessive conditions such as DD, not all homozygous animals may appear to display phenotypic expression of the condition.

A * will be displayed next to the genetic test result for a small number of animals. The * indicates that the result displayed is not consistent with the expected result for this animal, and despite an investigation being conducted by Angus Australia, an unidentified error exists in either the pedigree recorded for this animal, or in the genetic test results that are recorded for relatives of this animal.  Angus Australia recommends genetic tests be taken on any relative of this animal prior to using the relative in a breeding program to confirm their genetic test result.


As an example of how to interpret an animals genetic condition information;

AAAM100 has the following genetic condition information displayed AMFU, CAF, DDC and NH25%,

This means, AAAM100 is free based on pedigree of Arthrogryposis multiplex (AM), tested free of Contractual arachnodactyly (CA), a tested carrier of Developmental duplications (DD) and has a 25% chance of being a carrier based on pedigree of Neuropathic hydrocephalus (NH).

To view the genetic condition status of an animal, simply navigate to the genetic results tab in Angus Database Search. A summary will also be available on the animal’s summary page.

Angus Australia acknowledges the funds provided by the Australian Government through the Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC).  

This resource was created as a result of a collaboration between Angus Australia and Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC) (Project P.PSH.1063).

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