Setting a Breed Objective

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Setting objectives

The key elements of the success in any breeding program are no different when using Angus bulls to those when using bulls of any breed, being careful planning, the use of good information to assist in decision making, and, above all, consistency and patience in the pursuit of desired breeding goals.

Before considering decisions regarding bull selection, it is important that producers develop a clearly defined plan of what they are attempting to achieve from their breeding program. This may be described as setting a breeding objective or breeding goals, and should consider aspects such as the relative economic importance of different traits, future customer requirements, future herd production targets and current herd performance.

Likewise, prior to any bull selection decisions being made, it is important that careful consideration be given to the design of the breeding system that will be utilised. There are many different strategies or systems that could be used when utilising Angus genetics within a beef breeding program. These range from straight bred breeding programs to simple crossbreeding systems to more complex composite breeding programs, with no one system being suitable for all breeding herds or enterprises.