Home » Education » Collection and Submission of DNA Samples » Hair Samples
Tail hair sampling requires minimal restraint of the animal, is a simple non-invasive technique with a low sample collection cost and allows for easy long term storage of samples at room temperature.
It is important to note that the DNA is not contained in the hair shaft itself, but rather in the follicle or root bulb. It is vital that the root bulb is present in the hair sample as this is the part of the sample from which the DNA will be extracted.
It is recommended that animals are at least 60 days of age (2 months) before hair samples are collected as the hair follicles are small and still developing.
There can be pricing differences between DNA sample types and between labs – for current pricing information, please refer to the current fees for DNA services.
Accepted Tail Hair Collectors must be used for the collection of tail hair. Currently only Angus Australia Tail Hair Collectors can be used if testing through Neogen, while Angus Australia Tail Hair Collectors and Zoetis Tail Hair Collectors can be used if testing through Zoetis.