It is essential that semen straws submitted as DNA samples are protected prior to sending to Angus Australia. Semen straws are damaged easily and to avoid this, it is recommended that protection is provided to the straw.
Option 1;
Take two pieces of cardboard and make a groove for the straw to sit in. Label and tape the cardboard together with the straw held within the groove. Refer to the below picture for an example.
If the cardboard has a rigid corrugated core, then the straws can also be placed between the corrugated roles. It is important to ensure the straws are held securely by the cardboard. Refer to the below picture for an example.
Option 2;
Remove the ink from a pen and place the straw within the barrel of the pen, before returning the cap. Attach a label to the pen with the details of the straw. An example is pictured below.
The straw can then be placed with either the cardboard or pen into an appropriate postage bag for posting. It is valuable to write “do not bend” on postage bag to prevent any avoidable damage.
Importantly, if the sample is being sent international to Angus Australia please ensure all quarantine requirements are met.