3-Day Sickness Distribution

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Distribution of 3-day sickness across Northern Australia

Spread by mosquitoes and biting midges the viral disease also known as Bovine Ephemeral Fever affects cattle across northern Australia. The 3-day sickness distribution reflects the annual movement of the mosquitoes and biting midges which spread the disease.

The name 3-day sickness comes from the display of clinical symptoms caused by the disease for a period of about 3 days. These symptoms include;

  • Fever and depression
  • Lameness, stiffness, shivering and twitching
  • Recumbency, typically more severe in heavier and older animals
  • Reduced intake (Food and water)
  • Abortions and infertility
  • Drooling saliva, watery eyes and runny nose

A vaccine is available to prevent the disease and it is critical cattle expressing symptoms are provided with adequate shade, food, water and veterinary advice.

Angus Australia acknowledges the funds provided by the Australian Government through the Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC).  

This resource was created as a result of a collaboration between Angus Australia and Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC) (Project P.PSH.1063).

Source: https://nt.gov.au/industry/agriculture/livestock/cattle/cattle-land-management-practices


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