Using Angus MemberSELECT

Using Angus MemberSELECTBanner

Using Angus MemberSELECT 

To benefit from the full features of the Angus Australia database it is encouraged that users register. Click here for a step-by-step on how to register and sign-in.

1.  Go to

2.  At the very top of the page click the menu button and under the Angus.Tech heading, select ‘Angus SELECT’. 

3. Under ‘Find suppliers of Angus genetics’, select ‘MemberSELECT‘.

Searching for a Member with MemberSELECT

1.  Under selection criteria you can search for a member by ‘Surname‘, ‘Herd ID’ or ‘Prefix‘ by typing the details into the relevant box.

2.  Click ‘Search’ once you have enter the details for the member/s.

Searching within MemberSELECT

1. Scroll down the page to the ‘Additional Selection Criteria’ .

2. The criteria you can enter are displayed down the page (as an example to search for the full members, enrolled in TACE that are located within 100km of Adelaide, South Australia).

3. For Membership Type, select ‘Full’ by clicking the square in front of the word full.

4. For Enrolled in TACE, select ‘Yes by clicking the circle in front of the word Yes.

5. Click the circle beside ‘Property Located Within‘ and type 100 into the first box. In second box begin to type ‘Adelaide’. A box will appear listing towns based on what you have typed, select the ‘Adelaide, SA’ from the list.

6. Click ‘Search’ to complete the search.

Angus Australia acknowledges the funds provided by the Australian Government through the Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC).  

This resource was created as a result of a collaboration between Angus Australia and Meat & Livestock Australia Donor Company (MDC) (Project P.PSH.1063).

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