Using the Mating Predictor

Using the Mating PredictorBanner

Using the Mating Predictor

The mating predictor enables Angus breeder to propose potential matings by selecting, a bull or group of bulls and a female or group of females, which the mating predictor then determines an indicative EBV for the progeny. The ability to draw on the huge amount of data available in the Angus Australia database presents breeders with a powerful tool to assist in breeding decisions and making the most genetic improvement in their herd.

The mating predictor is limit to 250 results which can be achieved a number of ways from 5 bulls over 50 cows (5 x 50 = 250) or 1 bull over 250 cows (1 x 250 = 250 250)

1. From the Angus Australia homepage, click the menu and select ‘Mating Predictor’. Users will need to be registered users of Angus.Tech to access the Mating Predictor.

Within Angus.Tech the mating predictor can also be found under the Tools tab.

2. Enter the Animal ID of the sires you wish to use in the mating prediction in the box beside Sire Identifier(s). Place a comma between Animal IDs to use multiple sires (e.g. MSOB15, MSOK17, MSOX1)

Uploading sire lists can save time when using the mating predictor. To upload a sire list you will need a .CSV document containing the animal IDs of the bulls under the column heading ‘Sire ID’

1. Click ‘Choose CSV file..’ and select the file containing the sire IDs

2. Once the file has been uploaded the box will display the number of IDs identified in the uploaded document.

3. Click ‘Upload’ and the sire IDs found within the uploaded .CSV file will be listed in the sire identifier(s) box.

3. Enter the Animal ID of the dam you wish to use in the mating prediction in the box beside Dam Identifier(s). Place a comma between Animal ID s to use multiple dams.

To search within animals you currently own simply include the relevant details under the dam selection criteria section. This may include dams within your ownership or animals on your female inventory, the dam calving year (s) can be used to refine the list to particular year drops.

4. Select ‘Search’

5. The mating predictor will generate a mating prediction for each of the possible matings you proposed and display the inbreeding coefficient and expect average progeny EBVs. The results can be printed using the report centre in the same way as Angus Database Search results.



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