Database Search

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Using the Angus Database Search

The Angus Database Search enables Angus breeders to search Angus Australia’s comprehensive animal database.

Using the Angus Database Search facility, Angus breeders can access information for any individual animal recorded with Angus Australia, or once signed in as a registered user, can search and sort the Angus Australia database for animals that meet selection criteria of interest.

This module will be looking in depth at some of the things that you need to consider when using the Angus Database Search facility. These topics include:

• Signing on
• Searching for an animal by Name or ID
• Saving and Sorting searches
• Understanding your search results
• Customising your display
• Printing search results

These topics are each outlined in the resources shown below.You can read the brochure, watch the overview summary, or watch the animated feature summary. Just click on the tile that aligns with your learning preference.

To explore the topics in depth, just work your way through the module topics on the following pages.
At the end of the module, you will have an opportunity to send feedback and ask any questions that reading the materials might have raised.

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