Viewing Animal Information

Viewing Animal InformationBanner

Viewing Animal Information in Angus.Tech

Once you have completed a search or are viewing one of the catalogues available in Angus.Tech.

Each row displays some basic details about each animal that met the selection criteria. You are able to modify the information displayed by using a ‘customised results layout‘.

The results for your search will be displayed 20 results to a page and the page numbers can be used to navigated through your results. A maximum number of 2500 animals can be returned with any search, if your search would return more then 2500, only the first 2500 based on ‘Animal ID’ will be returned.



1.  To open up an animals file click anywhere along the row. The row will turn a dark blue with the animals file opened below.

2. The animals file will open to their summary tab. You can click on the other tabs within the animals file to bring up additional information.

The tabs include Basic details, Ownership, Pedigree, Progeny, EBVs, EBV Chart, Genetic Results and Photo/Video. In addition, animals included in a catalogue may have a sale details, semen details, embryo details or ASBP tab.

Simply click on the tab to open the tab up.

Important note – Entering as a Guest will not give you full access to the information within the database.

3.  To close an animals file, click the box containing an arrow in the first column of the animals row.