How do I take part in the WAE?

How do I take part in the WAE?Banner

Angus Australia have worked with AGI to set-up a pipeline that allows data (pedigree, phenotypes and genotypes) to flow seamlessly for inclusion in the WAE.  

The data members collect and submit to Angus Australia for inclusion in TACE, will automatically be included in the WAE, if it meets specific criteria. These criteria are relatively broad so you should expect most data that is included in TACE, for the specified traits, to also be included in the WAE.   

One exception being performance data on some crossbred or composite Angus animals (e.g. MBR recorded that are <75% Angus) that is analysed in TACE, cannot be included in the WAE, as it is calibrated for straightbred Angus only.  

Angus Australia advises members to continue to record information (pedigree, genotypes and phenotypes) under the Angus Australia and TACE protocols (i.e. do not change recording practices to cater for the WAE).   

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