Angus Australia is participating in the WAE for the following reasons:
Collaboration: The world Angus community working closely together on common initiatives will benefit Angus breeders across the globe, including Angus Australia members.
Strategy: Angus Australia achieves a strategic objective to enable the genetic benchmarking of Australian and New Zealand animals, that are registered with Angus Australia, with other major Angus populations around the world.
Selection: Enhance the selection and genetic benchmarking of Angus sires in the global Angus population through one evaluation on a common evaluation platform and language (or currency).
Capability: Angus Australia has the required expertise, relationships, data (quality, quantity primarily because of dedicated, performance focussed members) and data pipelines to participate in the WAE.
Trade: Further invigoration to the international trade of Angus genetics, including the potential for the targeted marketing of Angus genetics from the Southern Hemisphere into North America.
Additionally, the significant influence of North American genetics on the Angus Australia population is well understood. For example, in 2023, within the 20 most widely used sires with registered progeny (in 2023 and 2022), 10 were US bred sires. Out of the remaining 10 Australian bred sires, 6 were sons of US bred sires. This shows why participation in the WAE is important to allow more informed selection from the North American population.