
Providing all the information your require to register your calves.


The Herd Book Register (HBR) is the highest level of seedstock recording provided by Angus Australia.

The Herd Book Register (HBR) is provided for the registration of animals that are the progeny of sires and dams which are also recorded in the HBR.

The HBR is the original Herd Book or Stud Register of Angus Australia and has the highest quality requirements of all the registers. It is a closed Herd Book, which means that animals can only be registered in the HBR if both their parents are already enrolled in that register. No outside animals are eligible and animals cannot be upgraded from other registers into the HBR unless their parents qualify. Strict regulations cover registration in the HBR. An update of the Regulations is printed annually and changes to the Regulations are notified to members.

Each animal to be recorded must be individually identified through a combination of tattooing, fire or freeze branding and National Livestock Identification electronic devices (NLIS tags).

Individual animal identification requirements are clearly laid out and are inspected for animals entered in Royal shows and special sales.

Only animals which are black or red in colour are eligible for entry in the HBR.

All new calves entered in the HBR must have a DNA profile recorded on file for their nominated sire.  That sire must also be sire parent verified. If from embryo transfer then the donor dam must be DNA profile if flushed after 1/1/2003 to enable reliable parent verification.

The HBR enables members to record pedigree and performance information on their purebred Angus cattle for inclusion in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.

As per Angus Australia Rules & Regulations random parent verification using DNA is regularly conducted.

Only HBR registered animals are accepted for registration in corresponding overseas Angus Herd Books.

Annually members are provided with a Herd Inventory list of all recorded females 2 years and over which are regarded as active, for example; for which Inventory fees are due and if paid, may have a calf recorded for that female in that year. A listing of active females is then distributed. Calf Record Forms, which provide space for calf details to be recorded and returned to Angus Australia. These details include calf ident, sire ident, birth date, birth weight (optional) and a calving ease score (optional).  Calf details may also be submitted electronically via the online member area.

Following the notification of calf details, breeders are sent further forms for entry of subsequent performance details (200-Day Weight, 400-Day Weight, etc.) for inclusion in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.  Again, extra performance details can be submitted electronically.


All Full and Junior Full Members of Angus Australia are eligible to record animals in the HBR.

Pedigree Performance Certificates for HBR animals are issued by the Angus Society on request. In addition, as a participant in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation you will receive EBV reports after each batch of performance data is submitted. This information is valuable documentation of the genetic potential of your animals.


The fees for using the HBR are outlined in the Angus Australia Rules & Regulations.

An annual Herd Inventory fee is payable for all females 2 years and older recorded on the HBR.

Breeders wishing to participate in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation must pay an annual Genetic Evaluation Service fee.


If you require further information about the HBR please contact The Member Services Team on  Phone 02 6773 4600, Fax 02 6772 3095 or Email

The Angus Performance Register (APR) is provided by the Angus Society of Australia to enable its members to record pedigree and performance information on their non-Herd Book straight bred Angus cattle. This data can be included in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation, for the purpose of breeding seedstock bulls and improving their female herd.

Animals which show signs of developing the following are NOT eligible for entry into the APR.

  • Having had a horn or scur
  • Is of a colour foreign to the Angus breed
  • Has white skin above the underline, or on or in front of the naval scar for females, or on or in front of the pizzle for bulls, or on a leg or foot unless it is a birthmark.

All Full and Junior Full Members of the Angus Society are eligible to record animals in the APR and participate in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.

The pedigree and performance information provided by breeders is used to calculate Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for a range of growth, fertility and carcase traits. Pedigree links between herds enable the calculation of EBVs that can be used for across herd comparisons. EBVs can be used to make more informed mating and culling decisions to improve herd productivity and to target specific market requirements.

Pedigree Performance Certificates for APR animals are issued by the Angus Society on request. In addition, if you are a participant in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation you will receive EBV reports after each batch of performance data is submitted. This information is valuable documentation of the genetic potential of your animals.

Members who wish to enrol new animals on the APR can do so by completing an APR Base Animal Input Form or by submitting the animal details electronically. New Base APR animal details must be accompanied by a written statement from the breeder of these animals, declaring that the animals in question are at least 7/8th Angus. Forms are available from the Angus Society and can also be downloaded from

Any black or red coloured straight bred Angus female can be recorded as a Base APR animal. Any straight bred Angus bull’s, sired by either a HBR or APR registered sire can be recorded as a Base APR animal.

To be enrolled as a Base APR an animal must have a unique individual identification number, (NLIS tag, tattooing and/or double tagging recommended) and the animal’s birth year must be known. Actual birth dates and known Sire Idents can also be included to improve the accuracy of genetic evaluation through the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.

Individual performance records for base animals cannot be included in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation. However, performance records on progeny of base animals can be included.

Following the recording of Base APR animals, the breeder may then submit calf details on a Calf Record Form or electronically. Once the calves are recorded breeders are sent further forms for entry of subsequent performance details (200-Day Weight, 400-Day Weight and the like) for inclusion in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.


The fees for using the APR are outlined in the current Angus Society Rules & Regulations The base APR registration fee covers initial entry of females on the APR.

Following the first year, an annual Herd Inventory fee is payable for all females 2 years and older recorded on the APR.

Breeders wishing to participate in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation must pay an annual Genetic Evaluation Service fee.


Historic performance data on APR animals can be included and a fee is charged per calf. If error free data can be electronically entered from a compatible software program then the costs can be reduced. A rebate applies for error free input of calf registration data provided electronically in standard format (via email or USB).

  • Join as a Full Member of Angus Australia
  • Enrol you herd in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation (optional)
  • List all animals registered with Angus Australia that have been transferred into your ownership
  • List all new females to be recorded on the APR on the Base Animal Input Form
  • Send the completed Membership application, with participation in the Genetic Evaluation Service and
  • APR Base Female Input Form to: Angus Australia, Locked Bag 11, ARMIDALE   NSW    2350

If you require further information about the APR please contact The Member Services Team on Phone 02 6773 4600, Fax 02 6772 3095 or Email

Members who wish to enrol new animals on the APR can do so by completing an APR Base Animal Input Form or by submitting the animal details electronically.

Base APR Instructions & Input Form

Declaration for APR Animal Registration



The Angus Commercial Register (ACR) is a non-seedstock register and is strictly for the production of commercial steers and heifers. It is designed to performance record commercial Angus for inclusion in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.

The ACR is not designed to be a seedstock register. Consequently, only steers and heifers may be recorded as the progeny of ACR females. No entire males can be recorded and EBV will only be published for females.

Breeders participating in the ACR must ensure all male calves born from ACR recorded females will be castrated by 6 months of age.


Full Members are eligible to record animals in the ACR.  Commercial members who wish to use the facility will have to upgrade their membership status.

Producers of commercial Angus cattle can use the ACR, along with the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation, to improve their herd management and marketing. For example, by performance recording, producers can improve their success in identifying superior females, and are able to make more informed mating and culling decisions to improve herd productivity and to target specific market requirements.

Pedigree and Performance Certificates can be issued upon request for ACR females.

Breeders of Angus influenced crossbred animals can also enrol their cattle on the ACR and submit performance records to the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.


Members who wish to enrol new females on the ACR can do so by completing an ACR Base Animal Input Form.  In addition, females currently recorded in the Angus Performance Register (APR) or Angus Herd Book Register (HBR) can be downgraded to ACR status.

The minimum requirement for females to be enrolled on the ACR is a unique individual identification number (tattooing or double ear tagging is recommended) and year of birth.  However, any known pedigree information (e.g. sire idents) can also be included to improve the accuracy of genetic evaluation through the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.  The breed composition of any non-straight bred animals must also be provided.


The fees for using the ACR are outlined in the Angus Australia Rules & Regulations. The base ACR registration fee covers initial entry of females on the ACR.

Breeders who wish to participate in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation must pay an Genetic Evaluation Service fee.


If you require further information about the ACR please contact The Member Services Team, Ph: 02 6772 3011, Fax: 02 6772 3095 or Email

Base ACR Instructions & Input Form

The Multi Breed Register (MBR) is a seedstock register for non-straight bred Angus. Recording pedigree information in the MBR allows herds breeding Angus influenced seedstock to participate in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation. For example, a breeder producing Charolais-Angus bulls would be able to record their herd in the MBR and obtain EBVs. In time and with sufficient AGBU research those EBVs are expected to become comparable to the Angus EBV base.


All Full and Junior Full Members of Angus Australia are eligible to record animals in the MBR and participate in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.

Pedigree Performance Certificates for MBR animals are issued by Angus Australia on request

Members who wish to enrol new animals on the MBR can do so by completing an MBR Base Animal Input Form or by submitting the animal details electronically. Forms are available from Angus Australia and can also be downloaded from our Angus Web site. Click here and scroll down to find MBR forms.

To be enrolled as a Base MBR an animal must have individual identification number, (NLIS tag, tattooing and/or double tagging recommended) and the animal’s birth year must be known. Actual birth dates and Sire Idents, if known should also be included to improve the accuracy of genetic evaluation through the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.

A standard eight-character breed code must be provided for all animals submitted for recording in the MBR. A list of standard breed codes can be obtained from Angus Australia.

Calves arising from multiple-sire joining groups can be recorded on the MBR provided the dam and all sires in the multiple-sire group are registered in either the HBR, APR or MBR.

Individual performance records for base animals cannot be included on the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation. However, performance records on progeny of base animals can be included.

Following the recording of Base MBR animals, the breeder may then submit calf details on a Calf Record Form or electronically. Once the calves are recorded breeders are sent further forms for entry of subsequent performance details (200-Day Weight, 400-Day Weight, etc.) for inclusion in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.


The fees for using the MBR are outlined in the current Angus Society Regulations.

Following the first year, an annual Herd Inventory fee is payable for all females 2 years and older recorded on the MBR.

In the 12 months following the initial recording of new females on the MBR, a Calf Record Form will be sent out to the breeder. This form lists all active females recorded for the herd and provides space for calf details to be completed and returned to Angus Australia. These details include Calf Ident, Sire Ident, birth date, birth weight (optional) and a calving ease score (optional) MBR calves can also be recorded electronically via the member download area. Pedigree Performance Certificates are provided for all animals recorded in the MBR on written request from the recorded owner.

Breeders wishing to participate in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation must pay an annual Genetic Evaluation Service fee.


Historic performance data on MBR animals can be included and a fee is charged per calf. If error free data can be electronically entered from a compatible software program then the costs can be reduced.


If you require further information about the MBR please contact The Member Services Team on Phone 02 6773 4600, Fax 02 6772 3095 or Email

Members who wish to enrol new animals on the MBR can do so by completing a MBR Base Animal Input Form or by submitting the animal details electronically.

Base MBR Female Input Form & Instructions


Female Inventory is an essential step for members in the annual recording process.  The forms are available to all members in their member download area, as well as in a paper copy if requested.

Members can remove (fate) from or add females to their inventory and change the registration status of animals using these forms.   After the Inventory forms have been processed at Angus Australia the Member Services team generate members their individual herd calf record forms.  These forms are pre-printed with all the active calving females that the member has retained in the female inventory.

Females become eligible for Inventory fees in the year they turn two.

Inventory fees are invoiced based on the member’s returned inventory forms and must be paid prior to registering any progeny.

  • In mid January Angus Australia will produce an Autumn Inventory for all breeders flagged with as Autumn calvers 
  • By the mid March you need to have completed your Autumn Inventory (fating any females that you do not wish to keep active in your herd) and submitted these forms to Angus Australia. Completing this means that you will not be charged a female inventory fee for any females you no longer have active in your herds. It is important to know that you are unable to register any progeny from inactive females. 
  • During March we process your inventory and calculate your invoice based on the number of active females you have retained in each Angus Register. 
  • Members Autumn Inventory fees will be invoiced late March. 
  • In early April, Angus Australia will generate Autumn calf record forms based on the active females retained on each members Autumn female inventory. Members Calf Record forms are available online and paper copies will also be sent to applicable members. 
  • In mid May Angus Australia will produce a Spring Inventory for all breeders flagged with as Spring calvers 
  • By the mid July, you need to have completed your Spring Inventory (fating any females that you do not wish to keep active in your herd) and submitted these forms to Angus Australia. Completing this means that you will not be charged a female inventory fee for any females you no longer have active in your herds. It is important to know that you are unable to register any progeny from inactive females. 
  • During July Angus Australia will process your inventory and calculates your invoice based on the number of active females you have retained in each Angus Register. 
  • Your Spring Inventory fees will be invoiced to you in late July. 
  • Members are given 60 days to pay that invoice in full by the nominated date delete the date 

Please be aware that no adjustments will be made to this invoice for any animals fated after the invoice has been raised.  Our accounting system is unable to process any credits once this invoice has been raised.


Below is the list of fate codes that you are required to use when fating any females off your inventory.  A fate code and a fate date are essential.

A Cast for Age
B Sold Surplus Breeding Female
C Calving Incident
D Disease
E Eye Pigments
F Not in Calf
G Genetic Condition
H Horns
J Cull Unjoined
K Coat Type
M Missing Assumed Dead
P Poor Performance (milk, condition)
Q Appearance (True to Type)
R Reproduction Abnormality
S Structural Problem
T Poor Temperament
U Udder or Teat Problem
V Poor EBVs
W Calved but failed to Rear Calf to Weaning
X Susceptible to Parasites
Y Died Unknown Cause
Z Died Accident
6 Reinstate


If you have any queries regarding the Inventory System, please do not hesitate to call the Member Services Team on (02) 6773 4600 or email

There are four ways to register your calves with Angus Australia:

  1. Manual Calf Record Forms (Paper or PDF)
  2. Herd Management Programs (Email)
  3. Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel Calf Record Forms)
  4. Online through the “Members Area” of the Angus Australia Website.

Manual Calf Records Forms

Angus Australia emails Calf Record Forms as a PDF to members at the beginning of April and August for Autumn and Spring Calving groups respectively. The list of active females on your Inventory is pre-printed on the forms. Record each female’s calf beside her on the Calf Record Form. You also need to record the calf’s sire, date of birth, identification number and sex. Herds enrolled in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation can record birth performance information such as weight and calving ease on this form too. Instructions, codes and sample entries are included with the forms. For cows that have twins, enter details of one twin beside the cow and re-enter her number on a spare line to register the second calf.

If members require Calf Record Forms to be printed and posted rather than to receive them by email, please contact the Angus Australia office.

To download Calf Record Form CLICK HERE

To download Calf Record Information Form CLICK HERE


Embryo Transfer calves are recorded on separate ET Calf Record Forms. Details of the implant date of the embryo, along with the identification number, breed and age of the recipient dam must be given for ET calves. If the donor dam is born on or after 1/1/2004, a DNA profile for the donor dam must be recorded with the Society. If the donor dam is born on or after 1/1/2018, the DNA profile must be a SNP profile with a minimum of 5,000 SNPs.

To download Embryo Transfer Form CLICK HERE

Submitting Registration Forms

Please sign the bottom of each Calf Record Form and ET Calf Record Form. Remember that in doing so you are stating that the information is correct. The information that you submit is the data that will be printed on registration certificates and included in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.

Members can either submit Calf Record Forms in two ways:

  1. Scan completed forms and email to; or
  2. Photocopy completed forms and post to Angus Australia.

Registering Calves Electronically

Angus Australia encourages members to submit their calf registrations to Angus Australia in an electronic format, rather than the traditional Calf Record Forms. The most popular way in which your registrations can be submitted electronically is by using one of the following Herd Management Programs which are compatible with Angus Australia’s registration system:

•  HERD MASTER – available through Saltbush Agricultural Software;
•  STOCKBOOK – available through Practical Systems;
•  CattleLink – available through Herdlink;
•  KoolCollect – available through Sapien Technology.

Alternatively, Angus Australia has also developed an Excel Spreadsheet that members can use to submit their calf registrations. To download Excel Calf Record form CLICK HERE
NOTE: Microsoft Excel or compatible program is required to use this spreadsheet.

Please ensure that you read the instructions carefully before entering the details of your calves onto the Excel Spreadsheet. Any registrations which are submitted in an incorrect format shall be returned to the member for correction prior to the registrations being processed.


Angus Australia offers its members the opportunity to complete registration via the members download area at

What if you make a mistake?

Then you won’t be the first and we make them too. After each batch of registrations is processed, we will send you a Calf Registration Report that lists details of the calves that have been successfully registered. Please check the details to make sure they are correct. Let us know of any errors.

Any problems we find are flagged as Pending Registrations. An “Animal Request for Information Summary Report” may also be sent back to you with the Calf Registration Report asking you to provide more information or to check what you have submitted. When you confirm details or supply the required information, the registration will be completed, and a registration report forwarded.

Correction details should be made in writing and either emailed or posted to the Member Services team.

Registration Certificates

Registration Certificates or Detailed Animal Reports with pedigree and performance information can be generated by members in Angus.TECH by using the Angus Database Search Report Centre. Alternatively, these can be provided to members on request.

For more information

If you have any queries regarding any aspect of Calf Registrations, please feel free to contact the Member Services Team

P: 02 6773 4600


To download PDF version CLICK HERE



2002 X
2003 Y
2004 Z
2005 A
2006 B
2007 C
2008 D
2009 E
2010 F
2011 G
2012 H
2013 J
2014 K
2015 L
2016 M
2017 N
2018 P
2019 Q
2020 R
2021 S
2022 T
2023 U
2024 V
2025 W


To access any forms relating to inventory and registrations.

Member Forms

Fields marked with an * are required
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