2021 Nomination of State elected and National elected Directors

In accordance with the Constitution of the Angus Society of Australia, 1 National elected Director position (currently held by Laurie Denholm), along with State elected Directors for the states of Queensland (currently held by Brett Piraner), South Australia (currently held by Perry Gunner) and Victoria (currently held by Brad Gilmour) are required to vacate their positions and, if they are eligible, may stand for election again. Whilst Brad Gilmour (Vic) and Perry Gunner (SA) are eligible to re-nominate, Brett Piraner (Qld) is not eligible to renominate as he will have served the maximum of 4 consecutive terms on the Board.

Full or Honorary Life members from any state may also nominate themselves or another Full or Honorary Life member as a National elected Director. In addition, Full or Honorary Life Members having their registered address in Queensland, South Australia or Victoria may nominate, or be nominated by another Full or Honorary Life Member in their state, as a State elected Director.

If necessary, a ballot among Full and Honorary Life members will be conducted to elect one State elected Director from each of the above listed states, and 1 National elected Director. Only those Full and Honorary Life members having their registered address in the particular state will be eligible to vote for State elected Directors. All Full and Honorary Life members, irrespective of their registered address, will be eligible to vote for the National elected Director.

Nominations for either State elected Director positions or the National elected Director position, or both, can be made on the attached Director Nomination Form. Section A of the form must be completed and signed by both the nominator and the nominee (self-nomination is acceptable). Section B, the consent to act as a director, must also be signed by the nominee. An Election Statement (Section C) up to 300 words addressing the specified headings may also be provided by the nominee for circulation to members if an election is required (an electronic version of this template is available from the Angus Australia office).

Nominations must be received at The Angus Society of Australia Limited’s registered office by 5.00pm (AEST) on Thursday 1st April 2021.

The registered office mailing address is as follows:

The Angus Society of Australia Limited
86 Glen Innes Road
Armidale NSW 2350

Nominations can also be emailed as an attachment to ceo@angusaustralia.com.au.

Nominations will be acknowledged on receipt, and progressively listed on the Angus Australia website, as per Board policy.

Peter Parnell
Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary





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