Welcome to the 2022 Angus Australia Member Survey. This survey is different from the past – with good reason. This year the Board of Directors is developing a new 5 year strategic plan.  

Many of you have attended our “Have Your Say” workshops around Australia. Thank you for attending and providing some very helpful and honest feedback. The enthusiasm from across the membership in both support of Angus Australia and developing a better future for “Angus” is contagious, thank you!  This survey follows those workshops to capture responses from members unable to attend a workshop, and also to capture extra thoughts following the events.  Your feedback will be invaluable as we plan what Angus Australia will look like over the next 5 years.  

This survey is short and simple, but please be honest.  As an acknowledgement for your time and thoughts Angus Australia will donate $5 to Beyond Blue for each survey fully completed.  

This survey is anonymous.  However, if you would like your membership linked and a follow up discussion, please provide your herd Ident and email at the end of the survey. 

I have enjoyed meeting many of you all face to face and I look forward to reading your responses. Thanks for taking part! 

Yours Sincerely 

Scott Wright 

Angus Australia 

To complete the 2022 Member Survey


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