2024 Angus Youth National Roundup Special Awards

Thank you to generous donations from some wonderful sponsors, there are a number of special awards available for competitors attending the NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup in 2024.

EJ Angus Encouragement Award


To be considered for the EJ Angus Encouragement Award, a participant must exhibit the following attributes:


  • A willingness to participate
  • Show potential in the areas of clipping and fitting
  • Compete in a fair and equitable manner
  • Be interested in contributing to the Angus Youth Movement

The recipient of this award receives a set of Wahl Clippers.

All Roundup participants are considered for this award

Thank you to Des and Carol Grylls, EJ Angus for their ongoing support of this award. 

Merridale Angus Aspiring Breeder Award


The Merridale Angus Aspiring Breeder Award is in recognition of an Angus Youth member who does not already have an Angus stud or the financial backing to start their own immediately but has a strong desire to breed their own Angus cattle. The Collin’s family believe it is important to support the youth in the industry and give them as many opportunities as possible to start their own cattle breeding operation.   

The recipient of this award will receive a registered Angus heifer.  

All Roundup participants are considered for this award. 

Thank you to the Collins family, Merridale Angus for their ongoing support of this award.  

Read all about 2022 winner, Darby McLaren CLICK HERE  



Matthew George Citizenship Award

Matthew George was a keen cattleman who tragically died in a car accident. This award is presented in his honour to someone who displays good cooperation and goes out of their way to help others at the Roundup. The winner receives a $500 educational subsidy to put towards an activity of their choice. This award is proudly sponsored by the Victorian Angus State Committee. All Roundup participants are considered for this award. 

Thank you to the Victoria State Committee for their ongoing support of this award. 


Senior Bursaries 

Senior Competitors are given the opportunity to apply for a bursary to attend the Young Beef Producers Forum (YBPF) in Roma Qld. These bursaries provide the recipients with $200 which covers the YBPF registration fee. Applications are due to open in September. 

Intermediate Bursaries 

Intermediate Competitors over 16 are given the opportunity to apply for a bursary to attend the Tocal Beef Cattle Assessment Course. This award provides the recipient with $600 to cover the entry fee for the course.  

The Angus Australia Business Branding Award



This award is designed to help an Angus Youth Member either with a business or in the process of starting their own business to create a visual identity for their brand. The recipient of this award will receive a branding package comprised of a custom logo design, five (5) professionally designed images for digital marketing, business card design, one half page advertisement which will be published in the Angus Bulletin and a case study of the creative process and recipient promoted by the Angus society. 


Thank you to the Victoria State Committee for their ongoing support of this award.  

Top of the Range Meat Company Internship

The Top of the Range Meat Company Internship will provide an Angus Youth Roundup participant with a unique and genuine opportunity to gain on the job training and experience within a recently established family owned and operated Angus paddock to plate business.



2024 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup Marketing Competition

New in 2024, Target Livestock and Branded Ag Marketing have teamed up to provide the opportunity for Roundup participants to build their networks, meet new people and enrich their knowledge of the Australian beef industry. 



Feature Image: Darby McClaren is presented the Merridale Aspiring Breeder Award by Peter Collins, Merridale Angus at the 2022 NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup. Image: Showcase by Branded Ag 


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