Get excited….only 4 weeks until we converge on Tamworth for the 2025 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup.

Please see below some important information in the lead up to January’s Roundup.

Win an elite Angus Heifer & support the Roundup!

Target Livestock is offering a rare “pick of the pair” heifer opportunity as part of the 2025 NH Foods Angus Youth Roundup. The lucky ticket holder will choose between Target Tibbie U9, or Target Mayflower U7. Don’t miss out on this incredible chance to secure elite genetics for your herd. Get your tickets today!


Roundup Awards

A friendly reminder to check out the Roundup bursaries and awards on offer and submit your applications by 5pm 23 December 2024. Please note for the Intermediate Bursary, if you will be 16 years of age as at the dates of the Tocal Beef Assessment Course (i.e. December 2025), you are eligible to apply for this award. Check out the awards here.


Roundup program 

We are thrilled to unveil the 2025 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup program, offering a comprehensive experience covering all aspects of the beef production supply chain. Check out the full program here.


Cattle details 

There are still lots of cattle details outstanding. These were due by 1 December 2024 so please endeavour to get all your cattle details (i.e. animal ident, DOB, sex, pestivirus and national animal health declaration paperwork) through to me by COB Thursday 12 December 2024. As per the Roundup T&Cs all cattle details and paperwork must be received prior to Roundup to be eligible to compete. Please send cattle details to Toni Nugent, on email


2025 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup Rules & Regulations

A quick reminder about the Roundup rules and regulations.


Cattle bump in 

For those bringing cattle, bump in is Tuesday 7 January 3-6pm and Wednesday 8 January 9am-1pm. To assist with planning, please advise your estimated arrival time to Toni Nugent, Roundup Event Manager,
E: by 2 January.

Parents & Sponsors bus trip

It’s set to be a great day for the parents and sponsors bus trip on Thursday 9 January. See below details.

When: Thursday 9 January 2025, departing from AELEC, Tamworth. Be at the grounds by 7.30am for an 8am departure. The bus will return to AELEC by 4-4.30pm.
Where: Elders Killara Feedlot, Quirindi,  The Powerhouse for lunch and a visit to Excel Genetics Hub and cattle stud
Cost: $65 per head

There are only 57 seats available on the bus so get in early and book tickets by calling Carole Johns, Accounts Officer, on phone (02) 6773 4628.

Roundup Gala Dinner & Auction

Join us for the 2025 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup Gala Dinner! We’re shaking things up with a cocktail function that promises to be an unforgettable evening.

Bring your dancing shoes — Savage Groove is back to entertain us! We’ll also recognise and celebrate key achievements with the presentation of Roundup awards and bursaries, and don’t forget our auction, we’ve had some great packages donated, so come prepared to dig deep and support Angus youth.

There are still a handful of tickets available — jump online and head to the STORE button on the top right hand side of the page to purchase your tickets before they sell out. You will need your registration/confirmation number to purchase tickets so make sure to have this handy before jumping into the store.

Date: Saturday 11 January 2025, 6.30pm
Venue: The Wests Leagues Club, 58 Phillip St, Tamworth
Dress code: Smart casual
Dietary requirements: Please send any dietary requirements to Roundup Coordinator Toni Nugent by 16 December 2024, E: M: 0418 974 775.


Thanks to our sponsors!

Without the support of our amazing sponsors, Roundup would not be possible.


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