A message from the President & CEO Re: TACE Enhancements

Following the release of the EBVs for the December 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation, Angus Australia President, Erica Halliday and CEO, Scott Wright have the following message for members.
A comprehensive communications campaign has been ongoing since October 19th, 2022, to ensure the membership was made aware of the changes that would take place. This campaign culminated with Angus CONNECT – TACE Enhancements an informative webinar that outlined each of the enhancements that would be made to the calculation of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for Angus cattle in Australia and New Zealand.
Further to that, members that access the genetic evaluation services offered by Angus Australia were also posted a hard copy of a brochure outlining these changes, if you are yet to receive this brochure you can access it if you CLICK HERE.
Further information and resources on the annual enhancements to TACE can be found if you CLICK HERE.
Angus Australia is hosting a series of Member Focus Group Webinars via Zoom in the week commencing Monday, December 12th for Angus breeders wishing to know more about the annual enhancements that have been implemented. If you wish attend one of these webinars, please CLICK HERE to complete a survey and express your interest.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Angus Australia staff.