A Roundup legacy for Hallidays

When it comes to tallying up the number of Roundups attended, not many can top the Halliday Family, Wildes Meadow, NSW. For siblings Sophie, Casey and Josh, the Roundup is a yearly ritual for them, having attended a total of 35 Roundups between the three of them, with the only exceptions being the COVID years.
With the 2024 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup marking Sophie’s 15th, Casey’s 12th and Josh’s 8th time participating in the event, it’s fair to say that the Halliday’s have spent a bit of time taking part in the Angus Youth program through this event, attending Roundups in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia.
For each of the siblings, Roundup represents an opportunity to come together with likeminded people.
When asked why they keep coming back to Roundup after all these years, Casey said, “It’s because of the youth and supporting the younger generations coming through the Youth program.”
“I really enjoy it because I get to be able to bring my own cattle and I get to see what cattle other people have got here,” said Sophie. “Another thing with the youth that’s a big thing, is just seeing all the younger kids coming up and obviously we’ve got to the stage where we’re getting to the end of things, and I just enjoy that.”
For Josh it was simple, “Roundup is just a bit of fun, showing cows and hanging around others for a week.”
When reflecting on their cumulative Roundup experiences, and the things that have stuck with them as important from the event, the Halliday’s each highlighted the educational and networking opportunities available through attending Roundup.
“It would probably be the lectures,” said Josh. “You meet a lot of good people; they have a lot of good experience and have all been in the Angus Society very long time.”
“I think the lectures give us a good insight onto what’s happening for the future,” agreed Casey.
“Obviously the lectures, but I think it’s also more the people that are in it over the years,” said Sophie.
“I was a real shy kid when I was young, and then I got to meet a heap of people who all come to the same junior shows, and each year I was like, oh I met that person last year.”
When they wound back the years to their favourite Roundup memory, Casey and Josh both have always found one activity in particular a standout.
“My favourite would have to be the mock bull auction. Every Roundup I feel like that’s a very fun activity, and everyone gets involved in that,” said Casey.
“Same for me with the mock bull auction,” said Josh.
For Sophie, who at took out Grand Champion Herdsperson at this years Roundup due to her attitude and enthusiasm towards the event, her favourite memory dated all the way back to where it all began at her first ever Roundup.
“I think my favourite memory would be my first Roundup where we had Barnyard Olympics,” said Sophie.
“And I was like, I don’t know if I want to do this. There was baked beans, flour, and I was like, I’m not into this.
“But I ended up doing it because of my buddy and that’s one thing I really just enjoyed. I can’t even remember what year it was now, but it was in Canberra.”
And while for Sophie and Casey in particular, the next few years of Roundups may be coming up to their last, each of the siblings have already started forging their careers in the beef industry.
Casey is currently working at Spring Hill Angus and Nutrien Ag Solutions, Josh also works at Spring Hill Angus as well as Outcross Prime Cattle SELX Operations and Sophie is working in Northern NSW for Palgrove Pastoral Company at Macintyre Station, Inverell.
When summarising their Roundup experience and what it means to them to attend each year, each of the Halliday children had some words of encouragement for young people in the industry who are thinking about attending Roundups in the future.
“I personally think if you are wanting to be in the Angus breed, willing to learn and to meet everyone, then I think Angus Youth is probably one of the better junior shows,” said Sophie.
“I really enjoy going to Roundup because I feel like I’ve just gained a lot of confidence, a lot of strength in parading, junior judging and all that sort of stuff.”
“I think it’s a step forward, say if you are not used to showing cows and you want to get into it,” said Casey.
“I feel like Roundups are a very welcoming community, everyone’s here to help you and you’re not going to get judged.”
Josh continued, “There’s a lot of people here and everyone’s willing to help you out.
“Everyone’s got experience here and it’s a good way to, if you want to get into the Angus breed, just step into it.”
Over the years of their involvement in Roundup the Halliday family have not only competed at the event but have supported it in many ways. Mother Bronwyn was on the Roundup committee for several years and was awarded the Stewart Award in 2015 for her services to Angus Youth. And the family stud J&C Angus have both sponsored Roundup and provided ballot cattle to ensure that others can garner the same experiences they have had.
– Cheyne Twist, Senior Marketing and Communications Officer
– IMAGE: Showcase by Branded Ag