Adelaide carcase success 

Angus influenced steers rose to the top when the major awards were announced in the Royal Adelaide Show led steers competition. 

A Simmental cross Angus steer, exhibited by Lancaster Simmentals took out the coveted prize of Grand Champion Carcase after winning Champion Crossbred Carcase  and Champion Crossbred Export Carcase. 

The steer had a liveweight of 614kg, an eye muscle area of 117 cmsq, P8 fat of 13mm and rib fat of 12mm. 

An Angus cross Simmental steer, exhibited by Urrbrae Agricultural High School won Reserve Champion Cross Bred Heavy Domestic Carcase, while an Angus cross Limousin steer, exhibited by the Mount Compass Area School won Champion Crossbred Heavy Domestic Carcase.  


Class 4: Purebred Export 300.1 – 330kf HSCW
2nd – Goolagong, Angus 

Class 7: School Heavy Domestic 250.1 – 280kg HSCW
1st – Unity College, Angus 

Class 8: School Heavy Domestic 280.1kg – 300kg HSCW
2nd – Loxton High School, Angus 

Class 10: School Export 330.1 & Greater HSCW
3rd – Naracoorte High School, Angus 

Class 12: Crossbred Heavy Domestic 250.1 – 280kg HSCW
1st – Urrbrae Agricultural High School, Angus x Simmental
3rd – Miller Pastoral, Angus Cross 

Class 13: Crossbred Heavy Domestic 280.1-300kg HSCW
1st – Mount Compass Area School, Angus x Limousin
2nd – Heath Nickolls, Angus x Charolais 

Class 15: Crossbred Export 330.1 & greater HSCW
1st – Lancaster Simmentals, Simmental x Angus 

Heavy Domestic Eating Quality Carcase
1st – HB Rural Angus Cross
2nd – Gladstone High School, Angus 

Export Eating Quality Carcase
2nd – Scotch College, Angus 

Champion Crossbred Heavy Domestic on Hoof – Heath Nickolls, Angus x Charolais 

Reserve Champion Crossbred Export Steer on Hook, Tom & Lizzy Baker, SimAngus 

Reserve Champion Cross Bred Heavy Domestic Carcase – Urrbrae Agricultural High School, Angus x Simmental 

Champion Crossbred Heavy Domestic Carcase – Mount Compass Area School, Angus x Limousin 

Champion Crossbred Export Carcase, Champion Crossbred Carcase & Grand Champion Carcase – Lancaster Simmentals, Simmental x Angus 

SA Committee Prize for Best Black Angus Carcase – Unity College 


Feature image: Jack Thomas, Thomas Foods International, with Lancaster Simmentals’ Lizzy and Prue Cartledge, who exhibited the grand champion steer on-hook. Image: Stock Journal 

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