Alex is headed abroad

Angus Australia is pleased to announce that Alex Ferguson has been selected as the 2023 recipient of the Trans Tasman Travel Bursary, giving her the opportunity to immerse herself and gain insight into global beef production.
The New Zealand beef cattle industry is made up of more than 4 million animals, with the Angus breed making up over 30% of the beef cattle population. The industry is an important one to the countries economy, with the export of beef forecasted to have a 4-billion-dollar revenue (Beef and Lamb New Zealand, 2022).
With the production of beef cattle an important asset to the country, there is much to be learned about the beef supply chain in New Zealand and how the production systems differ from that in Australia.
Sponsored by the New England Travel Centre and the Angus Foundation, the Trans Tasman Travel Bursary is offered annually and provides an Angus Australia member the opportunity to travel around New Zealand investigating the beef industry and meeting seedstock and commercial producers around the country.
The bursary will see Alex spend up to four weeks touring the country and networking with producers in the industry.
When asked why she applied for the bursary opportunity, Alex said, “I applied for the award with the aim of being exposed to the wider world of the Angus industry, as I am eager to challenge myself to network and build connections with other industry professionals to assist with my career progressions.”
“I hope to bring home industry leading livestock and pasture management practices to put me in good stead to challenge the status quo and contribute positively to the future of the Angus industry.”
“We are extremely pleased to award this year’s bursary to Alex, who impressed us through her holistic view of the opportunity,” said Angus Australia Extension Manager Jake Phillips.
“Alex stood out from the start with the level of detail she put into the potential travel schedule which we feel will leave her with a life changing appreciation for the New Zealand production system genetics and grazing management.”
“Alex is an extremely capable person, and we are confident we will see more from in the coming years as an emerging leader of not only the Angus breed but the beef industry more broadly.”
As part of the bursary Alex will document the experience in a report which will be made available for reading on the Angus Australia website.
About Alex:
Alex Ferguson was born and raised in Murmungee, North East Victoria on her family’s beef cattle farm where she has had a significant involvement in all goings on of the business. After completing high school, she moved to Wagga Wagga NSW, to complete a Bachelor of Agriculture Science at Charles Sturt University. Currently she is working as an Overseer at Landfall Angus in the Tamar Valley in Northern Tasmania, where her key role is management of the livestock, pastures and fencing infrastructure.