It is hard to believe that we are drawing to the end of another year that once again can only be described as ‘unprecedented,’ as the success for Angus breeders across the country, both commercial and seedstock has been phenomenal. 

The demand for Angus genetics across all production systems has seen highs that producers have only ever dreamed about. 

Here we look at some of the top stories that have come out in 2022 as judged by reader traffic on the website. 


A starring role for Verified Black Angus Beef   

The Verified Black Angus Beef BBQ competition was hosted at the Angus Australia office demonstrating the full paddock to palate experience for consumers and allowing Angus producers to experience first-hand preparation of the premium Angus product they contribute to.


A great few days at Tocal 

The Tocal Beef Cattle Assessment Course took place last week, December 5th – 7th, and saw Angus Youth scholarship recipients from 2021 and 2022 take part.  

Charlotte Nugent, Hamish Smith, Kristen Fredericksen, Liam Mowbray, William Crane, Meg Kealey, Hannah Bamford and Nicola Miller all participated in the course, which is hosted by Angus NSW and is widely recognised as the most practical and hands on beef cattle selection course of its kind.


ASBP Cohort 13 Sires Announced    

The Angus Sire Benchmarking Program (ASBP) has seen the entry of 27 new bulls which were selected from 55 nominations from Angus Australia members.   

Christian Duff, Angus Australia’s General Manager – Genetic Improvement said “The Cohort 13 sires have been used in FTAI programs to produce the Cohort 13 calves, which will be born in the spring of 2023. They will be comprehensively genotyped and phenotyped from birth to slaughter in the steers and birth to first calving in the heifers.”


GenAngus – Only the beginning! 

The GenAngus Future Leaders program wrapped up in Adelaide at the end of last week with twenty-eight young beef industry leaders from the 2020, 2021 and 2022 cohorts coming together and to say that the future of Angus and the beef industry looks bright is probably an understatement.  

Now in its fourth year, the industry alliance between Angus Australia and specialist farm insurer Achmea Australia provides this exciting opportunity for the next generation to fast-track their leadership in the beef industry.


Record Breaking bull sales 

With the stars aligning across the beef industry and Angus bull sale after bull sale hitting record stud averages and highs, 2022 has been another year for records to be shattered, with Millah Murrah Angus, hitting a new record average of $43,632 for a full clearance of 128 bulls sold for a $5.585 million gross.


Angus ESSENTIALS – setting yourself up for catalogue production   

As the spring selling season finally comes towards its end, Angus producers across Australia and New Zealand are already looking to their autumn offerings, so have you done everything you need to make catalogue production as easy as possible?   

If you missed out on this round of Angus ESSENTIALS, you could catch up on everything here.


Enhancements to TACE 

Angus Australia is pleased to announce that a number of significant enhancements will shortly be made to the calculation of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for Angus cattle in Australia and New Zealand.    

The enhancements form part of the annual updates that Angus Australia makes to the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation, with the enhancements scheduled for implementation in the December 2022 analysis.


How to get started in Artificial Insemination (AI) 

High commodity prices and strong seasonal conditions are largely attributable to the rapid uptake of artificial insemination (AI) programs in commercial beef herds.  Astute producers with larger numbers are focusing not on the cost/female of running an AI program, but on the cost per calf on ground.  This, combined with the myriad of other benefits (including having roughly half your calves born in the first week or two of calving (when running a Fixed Time AI program (FTAI)), is seeing gains of more than $100/pregancy compared to natural mating in today’s terms, even before genetic improvement is taken into account.


New APR Record Bull Price set 

In a bull selling season that is witnessing Angus breeders reach record on property averages and commercial prices hitting all-time highs, it is unsurprising that records continue to fall.  

The latest record to be beaten was for an APR bull sold at auction, with Lot 10 at the recent Coffin Creek Bull Sale selling for $70,000. Coffin Creek S100, a sixteen month old son of Milwillah Nardoo N155 was sold to Neil Bolte, Wing Vee Pastoral, Hargraves.


Rounding up a cracking four days in Wodonga 

The NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup was four days of fun, learning and all things cattle when over 100 participants gathered at the Wodonga Showgrounds on October 6th to 9th.   

Coming together for the first time since 2020, Angus Youth members from almost all states took part in the event which saw the cumulation of two and a half years of work from the Roundup Organising committee come to fruition with an excellent event filled with not only the traditional Roundup activities, but also some new additions to the program.


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