Angus Australia and Vetoquinol extend partnership in multi-year deal

In a continuation of a successful six-year collaboration between Angus Australia and independent global health company Vetoquinol, both organisations are pleased to announce the extension of their partnership in a multi-year agreement.


This partnership extension will see Vetoquinol provide support to the Angus Sire Benchmarking Program (ASBP) for the upcoming five cohorts, Cohorts 12 to 16, by providing products and support for the joining of over 9000 Angus females.

Vetoquinol has a strong history of providing support to the ASBP by assisting with the fixed time artificial insemination program through the supply of necessary products such as the Cue-Mate® devices.

Throughout the six-year partnership to date, and covering Cohorts 5 to 11, Vetoquinol has assisted in approximately 15,000 heifers and cows being synchronized and inseminated, with approximately 7,500 calves born and comprehensively phenotyped and genotyped and 243 Angus sires now with high accuracy EBVs, particularly on hard to measure traits.

“Angus Australia is pleased to announce the extension of our ongoing relationship with Vetoquinol,” said Angus Australia Strategic Projects Manager Christian Duff.

“It goes without saying that without a successful fixed time AI program, the ASBP reference population program would not be possible.”

“The products provided by Vetoquinol’s Repro360 arm are essential to the ongoing success of the ASBP.  As important is the valued support and advice from the Repro360 team on all matters relating to assisted reproductive technology including fixed-time AI program.”

“Importantly this partnership also provides Angus Australia members with dedicated access to experts in the field of assisted reproduction,” added Mr Duff.

Vetoquinol’s Marketing and Technical Manager, Dr Sophia Edwards believes the ASBP is well aligned with Repro360’s mission of facilitating the rate of genetic improvement across the Australian beef industry.

“Repro360 is all about facilitating the acceleration of genetic improvement across the Australian beef industry, or put simply, helping stakeholders ‘Making Better Bovine Babies.”

 “The ASBP enables breeders to access more reliable genetic tools to help achieve their breeding objectives and production targets.”

Dr Edwards says “Vetoquinol is proud to continue providing the Repro360 portfolio of quality products including the Cue-Mate® device, technical advice and in-field support to help achieve the best possible outcomes for the ASBP.”

Vetoquinol is one of the largest animal-only health companies in the world, with reproduction in livestock being a strategic domain.

The objective of the ASBP is to grow the comprehensive phenotype and genotype reference population on contemporary Australian Angus animals, particularly for hard-to-measure traits, for enhanced genetic evaluation, collaborative research and innovative development.

For further information regarding the Angus Sire Benchmarking Program please contact Angus Australia Strategic Projects Manager Christian Duff at


Complete the Survey and Enquire about Repro360’s complimentary Assisted Breeding Packs valued at up to $ 750*

Repro360 is looking to gather some further insights into the breeding industry in order to help producers achieve better results from their breeding programs.

Given genetics have such a significant impact on herd productivity, you are encouraged to complete this 10 minute survey to help Repro360 to provide better resources, services and support. The results of this survey will be shared with Angus Australia however individual answers will remain completely anonymous.

As a thank you, Repro360 is offering participants the chance to receive an Assisted Breeding Packs valued at up $750.  These would be best suited to those producers who would be interested in trialing Cue-Mate® devices or are new to AI and would be interested in trialing it this spring.  The packs include: 50 x Cue-Mate® intravaginal progesterone delivery devices, a Cue-Mate® Applicator, in-field support and training where possible and complementary, ongoing technical support from the Repro360 team.

If you are interested and have more than 50 head to AI, please fill in the form at the end of the survey by Friday 10th September.
* T&C’s apply.

Complete the Survey


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