Angus Australia’s Top 10 – A year in review 2020



When the clock ticked over to 12:00am on December 31st 2019, not a single one of us could have imagined how the year was to unfold. It has certainly been a year of ups and downs across the country, but one thing that has remained certain is that Angus breeders and Angus cattle continue to thrive and the Angus breed remains at the forefront of the beef industry.

As we have navigated though the tumultuous year the demand for Angus and Angus influenced cattle across Australia and the recognition of programs that Angus Australia and its members have been involved in continues to grow.

As we draw closer to the end of the year, it is very timely to reflect on the top stories coming out of Angus Australia.


Top 10 stories as judged by reader traffic on the website


Important Changes to Animal Identification 

Members are advised of two important changes that will apply to the identification of animals that are born from January 1st, 2021 onwards.  READ MORE


Most Widely Used Sires in Last Two Years 

Angus Australia has recently conducted a review of the most widely used sires in the last 2 years.  READ MORE


Did you miss Spring Bull Night?

Don’t worry, it is now available to watch in full via the Angus Australia YouTube channel!  READ MORE


Are Angus Cows Getting Too Big?

The mature weight of Angus cows has increased genetically by 40kg in the last 20 years, with the current genetic trend showing an increase of 2.5kg per year.  READ MORE


Angus Australia elects 46th President, Sam White 

Angus Australia is pleased to announce that New South Wales producer Sam White has been declared the 46th President of Angus Australia, following a meeting of the Board of Directors held via teleconference on the 28th of May 2020.  READ MORE


Angus Youth turn up from far and wide for Roundup 2020

Angus Youth Roundup was once again back in 2020, taking place in Toowoomba, QLD from Thursday January 16 to Sunday January 19.  READ MORE


Mackas Australian Black Angus Beef joins the Verified Black Angus Beef ranks 

Mackas Australian Black Angus is the latest brand to join the suite of Verified Black Angus Beef brands.  READ MORE


Welcome aboard to the new Angus Youth Consultative Committee 

Angus Youth Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of the revised Angus Youth Consultative Committee.  READ MORE


Records are made to be broken! 

While the word unprecedented has been thrown around a lot in 2020, there really is no other way to describe the buying frenzy being witnessed for Angus cattle in recent weeks.  READ MORE


EBVs belong to the progeny 

There is probably not a more succinct line than ‘EBVs belong to the progeny’ that could better address the most common issues people have when interpreting Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs).  READ MORE


Top 10 YouTube Videos  

Angus Australia Spring Bull Night 2020 – Live Event 

EVENT – Angus CONNECT Research and Development Update – Spring 2020

EVENT – Angus CONNECT Research and Development Update – Autumn 2020

Welcome Kate Reynolds – Graphics & Multimedia Officer 

DNA Requirements for Animal Registration 

 Find out where you can purchase Verified Black Angus Beef


Introduction to the Australian Beef Breeder Insights Report and headline findings 

A Common Performance Recording Problem 

Important Changes to Animal Identification 

Docility – If you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it 







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