Angus for Paddock to Palate

It was a case of déjà vu at the announcement of the overall winners for the RNA Paddock to Palate competition as Angus and Angus influenced genetics took out each of the eating quality awards along with other major awards.

Off the back of the first round results for weight Angus, Angus cross and Angus Influenced cattle achieved solid results across all facets of the competition

The competition objectively measures the performance of pens of 100 day export and 70 day trade on weight gain performance in the feedlot, carcase attributes in the chiller, commercial value and meat eating quality judged by a panel of expert chefs.

Class 37 – 100 day export:

Class 37 A – Weight Gain 

2nd – Juandah grazing, Charolais Angus cross – 2.998 ADG 

3rd – Juandah Grazing, Charolais Angus cross – 2.980 ADG


Class 37B – Carcase 

Champion and Reserve Champion Carcase – Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross


Class 37 C – MSA Eating Quality 

1st – Texas Angus, Angus 

2nd – Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross 

3rd – McIntyre Agriculture, Angus 

Highest Individual Index Score – McIntyre Agriculture, Angus


Class 37 Overall Winners 

1st – Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross 

2nd – Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross


Class 38 – 70 day trade 


Class 38A – Weight Gain 

2nd – Aurelian Pastoral Co, Angus Ultrablack cross – 3.160 ADG 

3rd – Russell Pastoral Operations, Angus cross – 3.071 ADG 

Highest individual weight gain – Aurelian Pastoral Co, Angus Ultrablack cross – 3.786 ADG


Class 38B – Carcase 

1st – Russell Pastoral Operations, Angus cross 

3rd – Russell Pastoral Operations, Angus cross


Class 38 C – Eating Quality 

1st – Aurelian Pastoral Company, Angus Ultrablack cross 

2nd – Russell Pastoral Operations Angus cross 

3rd – McIntyre Agriculture, Angus 

Highest individual Index Score – Russell Pastoral Operations, Angus cross


Class 38 overall winners 

2nd – Russell Pastoral Company, Angus cross 

3rd – Russell Pastoral Company, Angus cross 


Class 40 100 day HGP-free export 


Class 40A Weight Gain 

1st – Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross – 2.557 ADG 

2nd – Mayne family, Texas Angus, Angus – 2.398 ADG 

Highest Individual Weight Gain – Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross – 2.910 ADG

Class 40B Carcase 

2nd – Yulgilbar Pastoral Company, Santa Angus 

Class 40C Eating Quality 

2nd – Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross 

3rd – Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross 

Highest Individual Index Score – Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross 

Class 40 Overall Winners

3rd – Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross 



Feature image: Scott Carswell, JBS, Ben Noller, Palgrove Pastoral Company and Angus Adnam, RNA. Image: Queensland Country Life  


Wendy and Ben Mayne, Texas Angus. Pictured with the Mayne’s is Andrew Hallas, Zoetis. Image: Queensland Country Life 


Texas Angus steer in the RNA Paddock to Palate Competition  



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