Angus Foundation Grant Applications Close Friday

Applications for the inaugural Angus Foundation Research Grant close this Friday, October 29th 2021.

The Angus Australia Research Grant is awarded to undergraduate and post-graduate students enrolled in a higher degree at a university or other recognised educational institutions. The Grant will allow them to undertake research towards higher degrees in disciplines able to be applied to the Australian beef industries with the purpose to enhance and promote the value of Angus genetics and beef. The Angus Foundation Grant may be used to extract additional findings from an existing project the individual or institution has already commenced or a completely new project.  



Angus Australia invites interested parties to submit applications by Friday 29th October 2021 to Angus Australia. Angus Australia will undertake a comprehensive selection process and advise the applicants by Friday the 26th of November 2021 of the successful candidate. 

The value of the Research Grant is up to a maximum of $AUD20,000. 

For more information contact Jake Phillips, Breed Development Officer at Angus Australia or visit the Angus Foundation tab on the Angus Australia website for more information.  

The aim of the research grant is to: 

Allow eligible undergraduate and postgraduate students to undertake research towards higher degrees in disciplines able to be applied to the Australian beef industries with the purpose to enhance and promote the value of Angus genetics and beef


The Angus Australia Research Grant is awarded to undergraduate and post-graduate students enrolled in a higher degree at a university or other recognised educational institution.          

Undertaking study in disciplines able to be applied to the Australian beef industries with the purpose to enhance and promote the value of Angus genetics and beef. 

  • Applications must comply with all requirements specified. 
  • All questions must be completed in full. 
  • A full description must be provided demonstrating how Angus Australia’s requirements will be met. 
  • The Terms on which Angus Australia will enter into an agreement with the successful applicant will be provided to the successful applicant. 

How to Apply:

Please submit an electronic/soft copy of the Application. 

All applications should be sent to: 

Attention: Jake Phillips | | M: 0401 261 217 




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