The judging of Angus stud cattle will take place on Tuesday May 7th from 8.30am in ring 4. 

Almost 90 head of Angus Cattle are entered which is sure to be a spectacle for the Angus breed.  

If you can’t be there in person, then Stocklive will bring you all the action from Beef Australia with their livestream. 

If you are heading to Beef Australia don’t’ forget to come and visit the Angus Australia staff in Exhibition Hall sites 1-3 and the World Angus Forum stand at site E46 across the isle. 

There are also limited tickets available for the following seminars: 

Angus for every system – breeding for profitability in northern Australia 

With more large scale operations seeking out Angus genetics to complement their breeding operations and drive furthergenetic improvement, marketability and profitability, the Angus Australia Beef Australia 2024 seminar will take a deep dive into how Angus genetics are being utilised across these operations in traditional bos indicus areas, as well as focusing on how the use of Angus genetics in these operations is improving productivity and profitability. 

Joining the seminar will be Ben Noller from Palgrove Pastoral, Troy Setter from Consolidated Pastoral Co and Ian McLean from Bush AgriBusiness. 

Seminar Details: 

Seminar: Angus for every system – Breeding for profitability in northern Australia
Date:Tuesday May 7
Where: James Lawrence B
Time: 2-3.30pm 

Supporting the next generation of beef leaders

Learn, grow, and connect with fellow agricultural leaders, including inspiring prior successful participants of the GenAngus Future Leaders Program at Beef Australia. As a supporting partner for Beef Australia, Achmea Australia will host an interactive panel session, ‘Supporting the Next Generation of Beef Leaders’ featuring:  

  • Emma Thomas, Panellist – CEO Achmea Australia    
  • Jake Phillips, Panellist – Extension Manager, Angus Australia    
  • Nancy Crawshaw, Panellist –2022 GenAngus Future Leader   
  • Hannah Powe, Panellist – 2023 GenAngus Future Leader 
  • Ed Bradley, Panellist –  2023 GenAngus Future Leader 
  • Jack Laurie, Panellist – 2022 GenAngus Future Leader  

Tickets are available via the Beef Australia website. CLICK HERE

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