Angus NSW Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Angus NSW will be held at 10.00am, Friday 21st May, 2021 at the Urban Retreat Bistro, Corner Boorowa & Lynch Streets, Young  NSW.


  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Proxies
  3. Minutes of Meeting 8th May 2020
  4. Business arising from Minutes
  5. Chairman’s Report
  6. Secretary/ Treasurer’s Report & Audited Balance Sheet
  7. Directors’ Reports
  8. Election of Office Bearers
  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Committee
  • Auditor
  1. Any Further Business

Richard Buck    

30th  April, 2021



At the conclusion of the AGM the Angus NSW committee meeting will be held.                    

For catering purposes please RSVP Richard Buck by email or phone of your attendance by Friday 14th May.

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