Applications close next week for the Angus Foundation LIVEXchange Scholarships

Applications close Monday, September 13th at 5pm!  The Angus Foundation, with the support of the Australian Livestock Export Corporation (LiveCorp), will award two scholarships to give Angus Australia members the opportunity to participate in this Conference.

This conference is the major event for Australia’s livestock export industry, held every two years as a joint venture between LiveCorp and the Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC).

In 2021 the scholarship will be to attend the LIVEXchange 21 Forum in Darwin NT, 10 – 11 November. For more information about the forum, head to the LIVEXchange21 Website

The theme for 2021 is ‘From here to there together: strengthening our foundations and creating connections’, with presentations to centre on the capabilities of the live export industry, strength of markets and the values shared by everyone in the supply chain.

These events are all about sharing information and insight into the livestock export trade, breaking down knowledge barriers, being open about industry challenges and demonstrating industry’s commitment and ongoing effort to improve animal welfare in supply chains.

Members aged between 18 and 30 with a commitment to the Australian beef industry and the Angus breed are encouraged to apply.

Each scholarship recipient will be provided with $1500 to assist in covering costs associate with attending the event (for example: flights, accommodation and social functions), while LiveCorp kindly provide the scholarship recipients with Conference only passes and membership rates to the Stockpersons accreditation course.

The aim of this scholarship is to:

  • Increase the recipient’s knowledge of the Live Export industry and the beef industry as a whole
  • Allow the recipients the opportunity to network with industry professionals
  • Develop the recipient’s personal skills


To be eligible for these scholarship’s, applicants must be between 18 and 30 years of age. You must also be a current Angus Youth or Angus Australia financial member. Membership forms are available on the Angus Australia website.


To apply for the LiveEx Scholarship, applicants will need to complete the entire following application.


  • The scholarship cannot be deferred, it must be taken up in the year it is awarded
  • Within two weeks of returning, a full trip report must be given to the Angus Australia Foundation

APPLICATIONS CLOSE: MONDAY 5PM, 13th September 2021 


For further information contact;
Jake Phillips
Breed Development Officer 





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