Applications close soon for the 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders Program

Applications close soon for the 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders Program, proudly supported by specialist farm insurer Achmea Australia.

We invite Angus Australia members aged 18-40 to apply for the opportunity to participate in  GenAngus which is aimed at supporting emerging leaders to increase their knowledge and boost their confidence to launch a new or existing beef enterprise.  Applications close Friday, 8 April 2022.


Now in its fourth year, the alliance between Angus Australia and specialist farm insurer Achmea provides an exciting opportunity for the next generation of Angus members to participate in the 2022 GenAngus Future Leaders Program and fast-track their leadership care in the beef industry.

Participants will attend an intensive three-day workshop with industry leading professionals, before embarking on a 12-month program with access to personalised support.

The program is targeted at young beef industry leaders who are looking to start their own business in the beef industry or take that next step in their existing business.

Topics covered:  

  • Mindset and resilience
  • Financial fundamentals and business planning tools
  • Risk management and insurance
  • Finding your place in the beef industry
  • Business benchmarking
  • Improving your herd with genetics
  • Resilience and succession
  • Marketing and branding
  • Business writing skills

The aim of the scholarship is to:

The program is targeted at people looking to start their own business in the beef industry or take that next step in their existing business.


  • Applicants must be aged between 18 – 40 years old
  • Applicants must be a member of Angus Australia (Junior or Full)
  • Demonstrated commitment to the beef industry and the Angus Breed
  • Be currently running a business or about to enter into business
  • Demonstrated potential to benefit from attending the GenAngus Workshop and Program
  • Demonstrated interest in developing their business and leadership skills
  • Have a vision of what they want their business to look in the future
  • A willingness to learn

How to Apply:  To apply for this scholarship applicants must compete a set of application questions. Applications will be shortlisted and may undergo an interview.

Applications close Friday, 8 April 2022.

Conditions:   You will be required to submit a written report to the Angus Australia Board on your experience during the GenAngus Program.

About Achmea Australia Achmea Australia is part of the Achmea Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in the Netherlands. The Achmea Group has approximately 13 million clients worldwide and is fully dedicated to farm insurance in Australia.

Insurance issued by Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V. (Achmea) ABN 86 158 237 702 AFSL 433984.  1800 724 214




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