Applications close soon for the Angus Foundation Research Grant

Applications close this Friday, October 28th at 5pm, so if you are undertaking study in disciplines able to be applied to the Australian beef industries with the purpose to enhance and promote the value of Angus genetics and beef, then APPLY NOW!
The Angus Foundation Research Grant is awarded, through eligible Australian universities, Research providers and individual businesses, to undergraduate and post-graduate students to enable them to undertake research towards higher degrees in disciplines able to be applied to the Australian beef industries with the purpose to enhance and promote the value of Angus genetics and beef. The Angus Foundation Grant may be used to extract extra findings from an existing project the individual or institution has already commenced or a completely new project.
The value of the Research Grant is up to a maximum of $20,000AUD. Angus Australia may award an alternate value if more than one suitable application is received. Applicants will need to show an itemized budget in support of their application.
The aim of the research grant is to:
Allow eligible undergraduate and postgraduate students to undertake research towards higher degrees in disciplines able to be applied to the Australian beef industries with the purpose to enhance and promote the value of Angus genetics and beef.
The Angus Foundation Research Grant is awarded to undergraduate and post-graduate students enrolled in a higher degree at a university or other recognised educational institution.
For more information contact Jake Phillips, Extension Manager at Angus Australia. | M: 0401 261 217
APPLICATIONS CLOSE October 28th 2022