Dr Pamela Alexandre, CSIRO and Dean Eastwood, CC Seymour South Killanoola will be speaking at the ‘Beyond the Beef’ Zoetis Angus National Conference. 



Dr Pamela Alexandre, CSIRO – ‘Can we breed pinkeye resilient Angus?’

Pâmela Alexandre is a research scientist at CSIRO’s Animal Genomics team, based in Brisbane. She holds Master’s and PhD degrees in Animal Science from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, where she worked with gene expression data to propose a biological model for feed efficiency regulation in indicine cattle. In 2019 she joined CSIRO as a postdoctoral fellow when she had the chance to apply systems biology methods to a range of datasets and species to explore complex phenotypes. Her main study was around the use of pooled genotypes as a cost-effective way to generate commercial reference populations to enable genomic selection. Currently, she is studying the relationship between genetic profile, immune competence, and the animal’s microbiome to generate innovative solutions to improve health and productivity of Angus cattle. She has also been involved in the research behind the Angus HeiferSELECT genomic tool and the selection of pink eye resilient cattle.


Pink eye is a common disease that affects Angus cattle herds. Can genetic selection be used to produce Angus cattle that are more resilient to pink eye? How can Angus members be involved in the related R&D?


Dean Eastwood, CC Seymour South Killanoola – ‘How a modern farming enterprise operates’

Dean Eastwood has been the Manager of South Killanoola for nine years. Owned by the Seymour family, South Killanoola is a 3,200ha property located at Bool Lagoon in the lower southeast of South Australia. South Killanoola has been in the Seymour family for over 170 years with the Seymour’s being one of the oldest farming families in the region. The property consists of three main enterprises, a self-replacing composite flock producing prime lamb, Angus and Hereford cattle, dryland and irrigated share farm cropping business and a Hampshire Downs stud. From the people they involve in the operation, to the breeding objectives they set, land management practices and family succession, South Killanoola provides a practical example of a large scale operation putting management practices in to place to ensure they have a viable future. Previously, Dean has worked in both large and small-scale farming in Victoria and Tasmania, including cattle, sheep & dairying. Dean holds an Advanced Diploma in Applied Science in Farm Management from Melbourne University and is Chair of the McKillop Farm Management Groups Ops Committee. He is passionate about the agricultural sector and is keen to continue displaying and planning how to progress the business and the industry positively.





The Beyond the Beef Angus National Conference, is set to take May 18th and 19th at The Event Centre, West Tamworth League Club, NSW and will include a pre conference tour on May 17th. 




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