Board meeting report -12th August 2021

The Angus Australia Board met by video conference on the 12th August 2021 and considered numerous items, including the following:

  • Ongoing plans for the maintenance of services by Angus Australia to members during the extended COVID-19 lockdown conditions, and representation to the NSW government for exemptions to public health orders to enable breeders to conduct COVID-safe bull sales during lockdown periods.
  • Successful roll-out of research selection indexes for member consultation and review.
  • Adjustment of fee schedule to provide volume discounts for members transferring over 200 females following a herd dispersal, using a similar discount scale to that applied to female inventory fees.
  • Angus Australia’s continued engagement in industry discussions led by MLA regarding multi-breed genetic evaluation, with the suggestion that across-breed EBV adjustment tables be published by MLA for those traits and breeds where suitable data exists.
  • Planned adoption of additional measures to ensure that Angus Australia is adequately compliant with the requirements of the Privacy Act (1988) and associated Australian Privacy Principles, including the implementation of an opt-in policy before contact details are included on the Angus Australia website (i.e. via, MemberSelect facility), and the non-disclosure of contact details of all Junior Members under 18 years of age on (further details to be provided).
  • Resolved to amend Regulation 14.5 so that it now reads “No  individual EBVs will be provided from the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation for unregistered animals, or animals recorded in the MBR that are not either 1% or greater Angus or Red Angus, or 100% Murray Grey”.
  • Discussions on planned review of the operation of the Base APR facility.

Where relevant, further information will be provided to members over coming weeks on specific items resolved by the Board, including the details of any resulting Regulation changes.

The Board also noted the intention of Peter Parnell to retire from the role as CEO of Angus Australia, effective from 28th February 2022.  Rimfire Resources has been engaged to manage the search for a suitable replacement for the CEO role over coming months.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for the 25-26th November 2021 at Armidale, NSW.

Peter Parnell
Chief Executive Officer
24th August 2021

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