Bull Nominations OPEN – Cohort 14

It is time to nominate Angus bulls for the next round of the Angus Sire Benchmarking program (ASBP) to produce the Cohort 14 progeny.
The joining program will commence in September 2023 and will involve approximately 1800 Angus cows across several Australian co-operator Angus cow herds.
The benefits of bulls entering the ASBP include:
Approximately 30 Angus bulls will be selected for the 2023 joining program with the aim to join each bull to at least 50 cows by fixed time AI. The bull selection criteria will be based on genetic diversity, breeding values, selection indexes, and their relationship to sires already used in the ASBP.
To be eligible, registered Angus Bulls must be nominated before Tuesday August 1st, 2023.
For all questions in relation to the nomination process or the ASBP in general please contact Christian Duff, Angus Australia, General Manager – Genetic Improvement M: 0457 457 141 or email: christian@angusaustralia.com.au