Harrow Grazing Case Study
Sam and Heather Crowther first purchased ‘Harrow’ in 1980 and since then have built up their beef production business to near 7,500 ha in total and between 1400-1500 joined females and progeny to slaughter p.a.
Nogoa Pastoral Case Study
Manager of Nogoa Pastoral, Peter Howard, has been on ‘Duckponds’ since 1993 and has been responsible for the physical development of the property and advancement of their beef enterprise.
Lyndalvale Case Study
Ross and Jo Stanes, the managers of ‘Lyndavale Station’, his parents Anne and John Stanes and brother Bennett Stanes with partner Lily Culbertson have long had a connection with ‘Lyndavale Station’ since Ross’ great grandfather took up ownership of ‘Erldunda Station’ in the 1920s,
Hollypark Case Study
Ian Barbour has known beef cattle his entire life. Ian and his family operated their beef enterprise in the South Burnett region of Queensland growing progeny out to bullock weights,
Lisle Holdings Pty Ltd Case Study
Matt and Kristie Lisle of ‘Lisle Holdings Pty Ltd’ are 4th generation beef producers based in the Shoalwater Bay area of central Queensland, 77km north of Rockhampton. Bordered by the Department of Defence training area of Shoalwater Bay,
Donohoe Cattle Co Case Study
Donohoe Cattle Company is the family business consisting of Tom Donohoe, Ken (Toms son) and Kirillee (Kens wife) Donohoe,
Palmer Valley (Fogarty Family) – Case Study
Ted and Sheri Fogarty are 2nd generation beef producers in central Australia. Angus and Angus influenced cattle have been used successfully at ‘Palmer Valley’ since 2001, with the station also becoming accredited organic in 1989 in the process becoming the first organic accredited property in the Northern Territory.The breeding is conducted at ‘Palmer Valley Station’ where all progeny is retained until weaning,
Limestone Station Case study
The East Pilbara region of northern Western Australia is an area that sets records. It is the largest shire in the world – larger in fact than the state of Victoria,
Utilising Angus in the Far North: Consolidated Pastoral Company
Angus genetics are playing a key role in the breeding program at the Consolidated Pastoral Company’s (CPC) property Newcastle Waters.
Newcastle Waters, some 10,331 km2 in area is located along the Stuart Highway approximately 400km south of Katherine and 282km north of Tennant Creek.
A snapshot of Angus use in the North – Aileron Pastoral Holdings
Aileron Station, some 4,082 km2 in area and located approximately 130km north of Alice Springs continues to face severe drought conditions after a failed wet season. With an average precipitation of 380mm p.a.,