Angus Australia appoints incoming CEO
Angus Australia President Mr Sam White has announced this morning that Mr Scott Wright will take the reins as the new CEO of Angus Australia, commencing in March 2022.
In making this announcement,
Peter Parnell joins the Weekly Grill
In the latest episode of The Weekly Grill podcast series, host Kerry Lonergan turns up the heat on Angus Australia’s chief executive officer Peter Parnell, who retires in February next year,
Research Selection Indexes
The research selection indexes have been developed for industry review and feedback prior to potential implementation into the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation. Updates have been made to the selection indexes to ensure they continue to represent more scenarios and parameters and utilise the most current analysis tools.
Updated EBVs Available – November 2021
Angus Australia wishes to advise that the November 2021 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation has been completed and updated EBVs are now available.
With the completion of the November 2021 analysis,
Did you miss the recent Angus Verified webinar?
You’ll be pleased to know this webinar is now available to watch online, if you either missed the event or wish to rewatch it.
The webinar has been broken up into chapters based on topics so you can jump to the chapters that most interest you,
Behind the Beef Episode 14 – A Go to Guide – The Angus Australia Sale Catalogue Services
Episode 14 of Behind the Beef is out now and this one features Angus Australia staff member Sam Hamilton who joins to give a step by step guide to the Angus Australia sale catalogue services and how Angus Australia can assist you in putting together your sale catalogue for your next sale.
Advertise in the Summer 2022 Angus Bulletin
With a print run of 4,500 copies, the Angus Bulletin is a cost effective method of getting your message across.
Do we have your 2022 bull sale date?
As the spring bull selling season winds down after tremendous success for Angus bull sales, believe it or not it is time to start thinking about 2022! If you have not already sent us your bull sale information for 2022 or beyond,
Nominations for the Stewart Award close Friday!
Don’t miss your opportunity to to recognise a person that has volunteered a large amount of time to the Angus Youth program, by nominating them for the Stewart Award. Named after Bruce and Pat Stewart of Dunlop Park Angus,
Angus Foundation Grant Applications Close Friday
Applications for the inaugural Angus Foundation Research Grant close this Friday, October 29th 2021.
The Angus Australia Research Grant is awarded to undergraduate and post-graduate students enrolled in a higher degree at a university or other recognised educational institutions.