Trans Tasman Travel Bursary– APPLICATIONS OPEN!
Sponsored by the New England Travel Centre and the Angus Australia Foundation, the scholarship provides annually an Angus Australia member aged between 18 and 30 years of age the opportunity to travel around New Zealand.
Research Selection Indexes
As part of the review and updating of the selection indexes that are published within the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation (TACE), Angus Australia, in association with the Animal Genetics &
Aligning with your program
When utilising selection indexes, members are advised to select the Selection index that is most aligned with the system their operation operates in.
Don’t miss out – Roundup Entries Close Friday
Entries for the much-anticipated NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup will close Friday October 22nd.
The event takes place over 4 days, from January 13-16th 2022, with young beef enthusiasts aged between 8 and 25 encouraged to register and come along to the three-day event.
Another week, another record
As the Spring bull selling season winds towards its end, the records keep falling with Lawsons Rocky R4010 at 13 months of age selling for $130,000 to become the top-priced Australian all breeds yearling bull sold at auction at the recent Lawsons Angus Spring Bull Sale.
Angus Australia Sire Summary Spring 2021 now available
The Angus Australia Sire Summary contains a summary of the Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for selected sires recorded in Angus Australia’s Herd Book Register (HBR) and Angus Performance Register (APR).
Updated EBVs Available – Mid-October 2021
Angus Australia wishes to advise that the Mid-October 2021 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation has been completed and updated EBVs are now available. With the completion of the Mid-October 2021 analysis,
Using Selection Indexes
Angus Selection Indexes should be used as an initial filtering tool for potential selection candidates, before specific breeding objective criteria is applied.
Who is headed to LIVEXchange Conference in 2022?
Angus Youth is pleased to announce that they have awarded Lori Fogarty and Lochie McLachlan with the Angus Foundation LIVEXchange Conference Scholarships.
Unfortunately, due to restrictions posed by COVID-19,
NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup Scholarships and Awards
If you are heading to the NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup, there are a number of great scholarships and awards on offer!
A number of these awards are awarded as part of the event with others that require an application submitted prior to the event to be eligible for consideration,