Few can question the enthusiasm that Greg and Sally Chappell, Dulverton Angus, have for the Angus breed and more so the people with in it. 

Greg, affectionately known as Chapps by many within the beef industry, pays tribute to the fact that a lot of the inspiration and knowledge he has built on over his life has come from being awarded the Angus Society University of Illinois Scholarship in 1982, after having won the National Judging competition.  

Greg considers his time spent with the late Professor Dr Doug Parret at the University of Illinois as invaluable, which later saw Greg have influential stints in his career at Farrer Memorial High School as well as pivotal roles at AUS-MEAT and Meat Standards Australia, particularly in the infancy of beef eating quality programs in Australia.  

Greg’s passion for cattle and particularly meat science was further boosted by his experiences with Dr Tom Carr who at the time was the head of the university’s meat science program and also led the prestigious meat judging team.  

According to Greg, “The experiences I had during the scholarship in livestock judging classes with Dr Parret undoubtedly led to me judging various breeds of beef cattle at all but one Royal show in Australia, which has been such an honour I shall cherish until I die.” 

In an example of paying their received opportunity forward to the next generation, Greg and Sally Chappell are taking up a recent opportunity provided by the Angus Foundation to donate a registered Angus heifer to the Angus Foundation to help financially support the program to continue to offer industry leading scholarships, awards and bursaries as they had been awarded previously.  

Reflecting on the experience of his University of Illinois scholarship Greg said, “This wonderful Scholarship has been life changing, if we had to single out the most important aspect it would most definitely be in providing us with the Inspiration, the knowledge and the drive to pursue our passion”. 

The proceeds from Dulverton Dell S135 (NGC21S135) who will be auctioned via their on property annual bull sale on the 24th May at 1pm will go towards re-establishing an overseas scholarship to the United States. 

Jake Phillips, Extension Manager, said, “We are really proud of the range of opportunities we provide our young people through the Angus Foundation. We have ambitious ideas for the future and acknowledge we constantly need to evolve to provide a range of opportunities that are industry relevant and encourage young recipients to make a career in the beef industry and help us contribute towards a sustainable and prosperous future for all involved.”  

Jake went on to say, “This donation from the Chappell family is very humbling for the entire Foundation as we rely solely on voluntary contributions to deliver our Angus Youth programs. The money from this heifer will form a critical stepping stone to offering bigger and better opportunities to our members in the future”. 

Dulverton Dell S135 is sire verified to Waitara Princeton and out of Dulverton Dell N101, a Carabar Gun Smoke daughter. Dell S135 is comprehensively performance recorded with calving and weight traits measured in addition to ultra sound scanning for carcase traits with all traits recorded being analysed through the TACE analysis in addition to a Genomics test. Dell S135 currently sits higher than breed average for 14 traits including being better than top 20% for Milk, Docility , EMA, Claw set and Foot angle EBVs in the May 2023 TACE analysis. 

The opportunity to support the Angus Foundation by purchasing  Dulverton Dell S135 will take place at the Dulverton Angus Bull Sale on May the 24th at 1pm on property or through Elite Livestock Auctions. To view further details on this heifer CLICK HERE 

To express interest in how you can help the Angus Foundation continue its work of awarding industry leading scholarships, awards, bursaries and research grants by donating an animal or genetic lot please contact Jake Phillips, Extension Manager, Angus Australia or READ MORE HERE 



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