Commercial Angus Records continue to tumble

It only took a week for a new record for unjoined commercial Angus females to be broken, with 8 weaned heifers hitting a high of $5,000 per head at the Sugarloaf Angus Bull and Female Sale last week, with two other commercial Angus records also broken.
While the interest in Angus bull sales continues to know no bounds with record averages being achieved by studs, it is the commercial Angus females being offered in conjunction at these sales that are taking the limelight.
The record breaking heifers were 10-11 months old and weighed an average of 400kg
Dillon & Sons agent and assessor describe the heifers as ‘showing great weight for age and given the opportunity will grow out into ideal future breeders.’
The $5,000 per head price, eclipsed the week old record set at the recent Knowla Livestock Sale when a pen of 18 unjoined commercial Angus heifers hit a high of $4,800 per head.
The record for commercial Angus cows with calves was also broken when 3 PTIC heifers with calves sold for $11,000 per head. This record was previously set at the Maitland store sale in January 2022 when 7 Angus heifers and calves were sold by Weirick and Senn for $5,800.
The third record to go was for PTIC commercial Angus heifers, with 4 heifers hitting a high of $6,500. The previous high for this category was $4,600 set by Brooklana Angus in an online heifer sale in March 2021.
In the breakdown the following results were achieved:
Sugarloaf Angus Record cows
Sugarloaf Angus Record PTIC heifers
Feature Image: Sugarloaf Angus Record heifers