Complete the Angus Selection Indexes member feedback survey

Angus Australia is seeking feedback on the selection indexes that are calculated within the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.

Members can provide feedback by completing an online member survey and/or participating in a Focus Group meeting, which will be hosted during April.

Feedback is specifically sought on the updates that were made to the selection indexes in December 2020, along with other improvements that have been suggested. The feedback obtained will be used to ensure the selection indexes that are published within the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation best meet the current and future requirements of members.

A link to complete the online member survey is available by clicking here. The survey will remain open until Friday, April 30th.

The Focus Group meetings will be conducted via video conference and will be facilitated by Angus Australia’s Breed Development Officer, Matt Reynolds. Each Focus Group meeting will include no more than 5 people to provide all attendees with ample opportunity to provide feedback.  Expressions for interest for these focus groups are now closed, however members are encouraged to provide feedback via the online member survey if they have not done so.

The feedback obtained from the online survey and the Focus Group meetings will be collated for consideration at a workshop of the Angus Australia Board in late May, where a strategy for future development of the selection indexes will be determined.

Members with any questions about the selection index consultation process should contact Angus Australia’s Breed Development & Extension Manager, Andrew Byrne, on (02) 6773 4618 or



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