Day 1 Presentations Available: Zoetis Angus National Conference

Video presentations from Day 1 of the ‘Beyond the Beef’ Zoetis Angus National Conference are now available to view online.
Jason Strong, Meat & Livestock Australia – ‘The big picture: How Australian beef producers are positioned to feed the world’
Matt Toll, Fulton Market Group – ‘Beefing up our future: how domestic and international consumers are driving demand’
Matt Peterson, Zoetis –’Immune Ready: the optimal strategy to leverage investment in genomic testing’
Sam Clark, University of New England – ‘The power of efficient beef production’
Hamish Webb, Precision Pastures – ‘Be the solution: how to make carbon work for you’
Bonnie Cox, Brianna Maslen , Chris Metcalfe & Damien Thomson – ‘Investing in the next generation: How focusing on people will shape the future of the beef industry’