Don’t miss out – Roundup Entries Close Friday

Entries for the much-anticipated NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup will close Friday October 22nd.

The event takes place over 4 days, from January 13-16th 2022, with young beef enthusiasts aged between 8 and 25 encouraged to register and come along to the three-day event.

The event is open to all competitors, from novice to experienced.

Extra information for completing entries:

Entries are likely to be capped based on the requirements of allowing 1 person per 4sqm into the venue. At this stage, this is 150 entries. After the first 150 entries have been taken, entries will be placed on a waiting list. At the earliest allowance to increase the number of attendees we will advise those on the waiting list as to their ability to attend.

Each entry will be required to enter with an animal. We strongly encourage making contact with stud breeders early to ensure you can source an animal for the Roundup. If you are not in a position to do this please contact Toni Nugent, Roundup Event Manager, to list your interest in having a ballot animal. We will try our best to place you in touch with a suitable breeder who may have an animal available.

The Angus Roundup event will be subject to the State Government COVID-19 restrictions at that time and so it is likely to evolve from the time entries open up until the event, however we stay dedicated to delivering the industry leading event it has come to be known as.

For more information or to enter the NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup CLICK HERE 



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