The 2022 LIVEXchange Conference, set to take place in Darwin NT, 9-10 November, will see Angus Youth members heading to the event after winning Angus Foundation Scholarships to attend.

We caught up with Lochie McLauchlan at the recent NH Foods Australia Angus Youth National Roundup and had a chat with him to find out why he applied!



Lochie was awarded one of the Scholarships in 2021, along with Lori Fogarty before this event was postponed. Lori and Lochie will join the 2022 winner, to be announced shortly.

Angus Australia Breed Development Officer Jake Phillips looks forward to the recipients representing Angus Australia in 2022.

“These events are all about sharing information and insight into the livestock export trade, breaking down knowledge barriers, being open about industry challenges and demonstrating industry’s commitment and ongoing effort to improve animal welfare in supply chains,” said Mr Phillips.
“The overall aim of offering these scholarships is to build the knowledge of those selected about the live export industry and the beef industry as a whole while allowing them the opportunity to network with industry professionals and developing their personal skills.”

“Opportunities like attending this conference are invaluable for those who are interested in further developing their professional development. Both Lori and Lochie are passionate at furthering themselves within the beef industry, and I look forward to working with them as scholarship recipients.”


Lori Fogarty

Lori Fogarty grew up on a cattle station in the Northern Territory. Growing up on a station has allowed her to be involved in the beef cattle industry from a young age. On the station she set up a small Brangus stud to produce herd bulls for around the property, and the quality of these offspring have shown to be quite successful for the herd. This passion only grew when she attended the University of Adelaide to undertake a Bachelor of Agricultural Science. This allowed her to learn more about the science behind genetics, nutrition, metabolism and reproduction of livestock. Lori is planning to complete a Master of Secondary Teaching, Majoring in Agriculture at the University of New England, where she hopes to gain the skills and knowledge to teach future generations the importance of Agriculture.

Being involved in the Northern Beef cattle industry, Lori is keen to attend the LIVEXchange Conference to broaden her knowledge and meet new people.


Lochie McLachlan

Lochie Mclauchlan grew up on his family farm located in the south west Victoria, Mortlake. His family own and operate a Angus stud calving down 50 breeders and selling stud bulls during Beef Week field days.

At the end of his schooling years Lochie was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to get in contact with an family in Canada which gave him the opportunity to spend three months living and working on the family ranch. Whilst in Canada, Lochie attended major shows like Agribition and FarmFair.

As a young, enthusiastic and determined kid Lochie has always known he wanted to become a stock and station agent and develop into an auctioneer, which only just recently he has made a reality.

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