Welcome to the latest Member Services Update.

Summer is with us, and haven’t we seen some very interesting weather patterns. The good old Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has certainly been providing wet weather predictions with unfortunate accuracy for some parts of our great lands.

We also know that there are some who would love to see the wet weather head your way.

Our thoughts are with all our members who have experienced recent floods and inundations of homes, properties, and animal losses.

“What you’re going through might be tough, but that’s how tough people are made.” – unanimous

I felt that this quote was appropriate in the recent climate.

I recently had the opportunity to visit a number of our members and would like to acknowledge their hospitality and appreciation of the wonderful work that they are doing.

Update on Changes within the MSO Team and how we are supporting our members.

We welcome Raelene Mold to the MSO team. Raelene started with us in September and comes with a wealth of experience in the industry. Raelene is also a member of Angus Australia and has worked with several other members.

We will be introducing each of the member services officers in the coming Bulletins. This edition we will be introducing Rachael Constable.

As you know, we have been allocating specific MSO staff to our members, and we feel that this has allowed a more consistent approach to providing services to our members.

Genomic and DNA Services

If you are just starting out using these services we offer, you will find our website to be a useful resource in working through the best options and tests for your individual operation.

This has important information about how to submit your DNA and what the fees and charges are.

You are able to submit your orders online, and then post in your DNA samples to our office. Just sign into angus.tech and click on the DNA Services tab to create an order.

Please contact any of our MSO team who can assist you in submitting and creating an order.


Helpful hints & tips (“for you and me”)

If you are using our Calf Record Forms (Excel version) and are typing your information into this file, please save the file and email this to our regos email address. This really helps the MSO team in loading the data into the database.

Angus Australia Regulations – reminders and updates

This section will provide you with explanations or reminders around certain sections of the regulations that may be pertinent to your business and practices. We will quote the regulation number and content of that section for you. (PS – if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact our team).

14.1 By nominating that they wish to utilise genetic
evaluation services, members agree to the terms and
conditions detailed in the TransTasman Angus Cattle
Evaluation Member Agreement. Violation of these
conditions may result in the cancellation of genetic
evaluation services.
14.3 Only members who have nominated that they wish
to utilise genetic evaluation services are eligible to submit
performance and genomic information for inclusion in
the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation for the
production of Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs).

This regulation reminds us and our members that they do need to be currently enrolled in this service so as to allow you to submit performance data and access the EBVs relevant to your membership and herd.

We do at times have members enquire about why they don’t have any EBVs for their animals. And sometimes it can be as simple as not having been current with this service, or the fees have not been paid.

DNA services can also be delayed if members have not enrolled in the TACE component of our membership services. If you have any questions about this do not hesitate in contacting Angus Australia.

Privacy settings in angus.Tech – have you updated this so others can see your business online?

We are still getting feedback from some of our Angus community and key stakeholders in regard to not being able to “see” members on our website. If you are unsure as to how you would like your information to be made available via angus.tech, please contact our team who can assist in updating this for you.

Or you can update your own settings within angus.tech under the Update Account Details tab.

We are aware that there are privacy issues and rules and regulations that govern your privacy and personal information. However, for a number of our members who do hold sales, and do sell under private treaty, you may want to have your details made available to prospective buyers.


Other matters

Memberships – did you know that if you want to register animals and then utilise our genetic evaluation services, you need to be enrolled in Animal Registry Services and Genetic Evaluation Service Fee. This information is located on our website.

If you require any information, help or assistance, please don’t hesitate and contact our Member Services Team at Angus Australia on (02) 6773 4600 or email office@angusaustralia.com.au.

For any registrations please email:


For any DNA services please email:


For any membership enquiries please email:


For any TACE information to be entered into the database, please email: tace@angusaustralia.com.au.

If you want to discuss any other matters, concerns, suggestions for improvement, and any compliments about the team, please contact myself, Bernard Beatty – Member Services Manager on 02 6773 4646 or bernard.beatty@angusaustralia.com.au.

Meet Your Member Services Officer

Name: Rachael Constable

How long have you been working at AA?

Previously from 2008 to 2012 and then came back in March 2022

Where were you born?


Where do you live?

Own and run a cattle property alongside my husband southeast of Glen Innes. We run about 150 Red Poll breeders.

Where / what was your first job?
Jillaroo at Jeogla and Wallamombi stations east of Armidale

What are your interests outside of work?

Showing cattle and steers

What is your favourite thing to do when you’re not working?

More like a different kind of working, but anything on the farm

Rachael’s favourite quote:

It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys

Rachael has been tasked with assisting members in parts of Victoria and also assists the New Zealand and Queensland members. She also helps with other members when required.

Rachael has a wealth of experience, having worked in the industry around the New England region of NSW for many years.

Rachael has a deep understanding of the industry at large and extensive experience with all of the member service processes. This makes her a great support for our members and her colleagues.

Bernard Beatty, Member Services Manager

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