Want to find out about breeding and feeding to maximise profit?    

Gandy Angus is hosting a Meat & Livestock Australia BredWell FedWell workshop on October 17, 2023 – these full day interactive workshops work though breeding and feeding strategies designed to maximise profitability.  

Join us on for MLA’s BredWell FedWell workshop to: 

  • Develop a customised breeding plan for your livestock enterprise aligned to your profit drivers
  • Identify sires and select animals using breeding values that help you meet your objectives
  • Learn about feeding animals well to achieve your objective and maximise your genetic investment

The workshop will be hosted by Lex & Kim Gandy, Gandy Angus and delivered by Angus Australia’s Extension Manager, Jake Phillips.  

Workshop Date: 17 October 2023 

When: 8:30am for 9am–4:30pm 

Where: “Diamond Tree Farm”, 489 Eastbourne Road, Diamond Tree WA 6258 

Hosted by: Lex & Kim Gandy, Gandy Angus 

Registration fee – inc GST – Introductory price: $200 per person 

Register online by: 3 October 2023  

For more information on Meat & Livestock Australia’s BredWell FedWell Workshops www.mla.com.au/bredwellfedwell 

To register for the MLA BredWell FedWell Workshop


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