New Angus Youth Consultative to Empower the Next Generation of Cattle Producers



The Angus breed has long been a staple in the cattle industry, and with the continual interest in engaging younger generations in the industry, and empowering them to become the future leaders of the Angus community, Angus Australia is excited to announce the formation of the next Angus Youth Consultative Committee. 

The new committee was established after an application process, which sees the committee made up of the following Angus Australia members: 

  • Monique McKinnon (chair) 
  • Sam Finlayson 
  • Jack Laurie 
  • Aimee Bolton 
  • Hannah Powe 
  • Damien Thomson
  • Liam Mowbray 

 Monique, Sam and Jack, each a member of the previous Angus Youth Consultative Committee, will continue on the committee for an additional year and will be joined by incoming committee members Aimee, Hannah, Damien and Liam. 

The Angus Youth Consultative Committee has been formed with the aim of providing opportunities and resources for young people interested in the Angus breed. This committee will bring together passionate and driven individuals who are dedicated to promoting the breed and supporting its next generation of producers. Through education, mentorship, and community-building activities, the Angus Youth Consultative Committee will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the Angus industry. 

The consultative committee provides a mechanism to obtain structured feedback of ideas and suggestions from members and assist the Angus Australia Board of Directors and management in developing strategies and policies that ensure Angus Australia’s Youth program meets the current and future requirements of members.     

Within their roles in the committee, these young leaders will work to communicate and represent the interests of Angus Youth members within Angus Australia and the broader beef industry, provide ideas for youth focused educational and extension activities for consideration within the Extension & Youth Operational Plan and provide opportunities for Angus Youth members to develop their leadership qualities and skills. 

Angus Australia Extension Manager Jake Phillips looks forward to working closely with the committee to continue to deliver positive development opportunities to the younger members of the Angus community. 

“I congratulate both our returning and incoming committee members on their selection as part of the Angus Youth Consultative Committee and I look forward to collaborating with them in the continued growth of the Angus Youth program into the future.” 

“I also thank our outgoing committee members, Chairperson Murk Schoen, Ruby Canning and Rebecca George for their dedication and contribution to the committee during their tenures, and in turn for their contribution to the ongoing success and development of the Angus Youth program.” 

Monique McKinnon, who will step into the chairperson position, looks forward to working with her committee to provide a forum for consultation between Angus Australia members, and the Angus Australia Board of Directors and Extension Manager. 

“I am honoured and very grateful for this opportunity as chairperson of the Angus Youth Consultative Committee in 2023,” said Monique. 

“I sincerely look forward to working closely alongside fellow committee members in further developing the strategic plan, innovative opportunities and resources that are available for both present and future members of Angus Youth.” 

The Angus Youth program possesses an immensely positive outlook in providing ongoing support for the young people of our industry. I am anticipating a great year ahead as our committee shares their voices, recommendations and networks in pursuit of the goal to cultivate a bright future for the next generation of our breed.” 

Thank you once again for this opportunity and I sincerely look forward to the year ahead working alongside Jake Phillips and the committee! 

About the Committee: 

Monique McKinnon

Monique lives and works in the Upper Hunter Valley of NSW where, with her husband, she manages Timor Creek, a commercial and purebred Angus breeding operation. The Angus Youth program means a lot to her, the incredible network of people, support and the life changing opportunities it has provided is something that she is very grateful for.  







Aimee Bolton

Aimee is originally from Shepparton, Victoria where her family run a small herd of Black & Red Angus Cattle. Aimee has grown up heavily involved within the breed and has attended as well as assisted in organising various Angus Youth Roundups over the years. She is extremely passionate about developing the youth of the industry with a focus on personal development and whole of supply chain awareness.   

Currently Aimee works for JBS as the Farm Assurance & Supply Chain Manager, which sees her focus on identifying new opportunities for the beef and lamb programs, across compliance, performance & sustainability. Prior to this Aimee was based in Toowoomba with another a major processor working at an operational level with a strong emphasis on MSA grading, right through to livestock procurement and supply chain optimisation.  

Aimee is excited to be a part of the Consultative Committee and help bring to the table new and exciting opportunities across various areas of the industry.   


Sam Finlayson

Sam Finlayson grew up on a cattle and sheep property north of Armidale and has always had a strong passion for Agriculture. 

Sam studied Economics, Mandarin and Spanish at the University of New England with the intention of getting more into the business side of the Agricultural industry. He \recently moved to Toowoomba and currently works for an Agtech Robotics company (SwarmFarm Robotics). 

Sam was a part of the previous Angus Youth Consultative Committee and is looking forward to his return to the AYCC for the 2023 term. 





Jack Laurie

Jack is a 6th generational livestock producer on his family property, Knowla Livestock, west of Gloucester. They run approximately 280 stud Angus cows and 500 commercial cows. Jack has studied a Bachelor of Rural Science at the University of New England, focusing on genetical data analysis. More recently, Jack founded a genetic company, Breeder Genetics, focusing on a breeder to breeder genetic platform and supporting producer’s in their genetic gain. Jack has participated in numerous Angus youth events over the years and believes that youth programs are essential for the continuation and sustainability of the breed. 






Liam Mowbray

Liam is a young Angus producer from Barrington, NSW. He is a partner and manager of Marlea Angus. Together with his wife (Alissa), his boys (Billy & Tommy) and his parents (Mark and Marina), they run an Angus cow-calf operation at Barrington and Tibbuc. Liam also works part time as a large animal Veterinarian in the Gloucester district and surrounds. He also sits on the national committee for the Australian Reproduction Veterinarians.   

– “I’ve been very fortunate to be a part of Angus Youth and GenAngus while building Marlea Angus and I’m excited to give back by contributing on the Angus Youth Consultative Committee. 





Damien Thomson

Damien is currently the senior analyst in the AuctionsPlus Market Insights team and formerly an industry economist at ABARES. Damien has grown up on his family’s beef cattle operation, Shacorrahdalu Pastoral near Yass, and is passionate about the breeding and marketing of performance Angus genetics. He has been an active Angus youth member, including recently extending his network internationally to New Zealand as a recipient of the Trans-Tasman Travel Bursary.   







Hannah Powe

Hannah and her family own and operate Goondoola Livestock at Cargo in the Central West of NSW. She has a Bachelor of Agricultural Science, has worked as the livestock editor of The Land newspaper and most recently she has taken up the NSW genomics territory manager role with Neogen Australasia. Hannah has been part of the Angus Youth program since 2009, she has been a previous Angus Youth scholarship recipient and has served on the Angus Youth Consultative Committee. She was the recipient of the Stewart Award in 2020.  

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