The NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup is here!

The 2024 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup has kicked off with 160 young beef industry enthusiasts descending on the Australian Equine and Livestock Events centre (AELEC) in Australia’s country music capital, Tamworth NSW.
The trucks have rolled in, the cattle are unloaded and the fun and learning has begun.
For the remainder of the week, entrants will immerse themselves in beef industry education, including the NH Foods ‘Joy of Eating’ day where participants will be taken across the whole paddock to plate process that culminates in the culinary delights of Chef Jason Roberts, various competitions, the barnyard olympics, the cultivating of lifelong friendships and finishing off with the Gala Dinner and fundraising auction.
Make sure you are following the Angus Youth Social Media channels, to stay up to date – Facebook – Instagram – X (Twitter)
The cattle classes (Friday 12th from 8am AEDT) and paraders judging (Saturday 13th from 8.30am AEDT) will be livestreamed on the Angus Youth Facebook page thank you to ACM Agriculture (The Land).
The NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup would not be possible with the support of sponsors, FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE.