During the spring bull selling season, every commercial Angus breeder rightly puts their focus on finding a team of bulls with the right mix of genetics to meet their breeding objectives.

But what about the genetics of the females in your herd?

Having a clear picture of the genetic strengths and weaknesses of your commercial female herd is just as important when it comes time in the production calendar to select which heifers to keep for breeding purposes, and which ones to cull.

It’s a question that challenges all commercial Angus breeders, but one that’s much easier to answer for cattle producers who utilise the Angus HeiferSELECT DNA test.

Developed by Angus Australia with CSIRO, Angus HeiferSELECT has been specifically designed for use by commercial Angus breeders to identify genetically superior females, allowing producers to ramp up genetic progress within their herds.

Angus HeiferSELECT is a low-cost genomic selection tool supported by Neogen that helps inform the selection of replacement females (with 87.5% Angus content or greater).

Generation 2’ of the test provides four pillars of information:

  • Angus BreedCHECK for determining breed composition, focusing on Angus content
  • Genetic predictions for 13 commercially important traits covering maternal, growth, feed intake, carcase, and resilience traits
  • Three overall values (selection indexes) for cow-calf value, feedlot-carcase value, and total breeding value, and
  • DNA sire verification

Key advantages of HeiferSelect for Commercial producers:

  • Accurately identify the highest value replacement females before investing time and money
  • Make precise decisions with a complete toolbox of performance traits to capitalise on market prices for replacement females.
  • Use HeiferSelect test results as a seal of quality at cattle marketing programs
  • Market heifers based on unique genetic attributes and earn more predictable premiums by marketing animals with known growth & marbling ability
  • Objective genomic data is a powerful tool that combined with visual assessments will ensure replacement heifers are structurally sound and carry the right balance of genetics for hard-to-see productive traits.
  • Access to genomic information means breeders can make informed decisions resulting in cows with greater longevity producing calves on the ground earlier with faster growth rates and more money in the bank

Key Advantages of HeiferSelect for Stud Producers:

  • HeiferSELECT testing supports both stud and commercial breeders, with stud breeders being able to identify bulls more accurately from their program to match their commercial clients’ business goals.
  • Work with commercial bull buyers to measure and improve genetic gain

The end result is a clear picture of the genetic merit of your heifer drop, enabling you to make more informed selection decisions at culling, joining and bull buying, that will result in faster rates of genetic improvement in your herd.

NEOGEN Australasia’s genomic sales manager Hannah Bourke said these were vital decisions for breeding businesses, with research showing that it costs between $1800 and $2500 to raise a heifer to joining age, so decisions and investments made today will directly influence the future.

Testing with Neogen has its benefits

Testing for HeiferSelect with Neogen is easy for Angus Australia members, with all samples being tested in-country at our custom-built genotyping lab, based in Queensland.

Serving the Australian beef industry for 30 years, Neogen, formerly based at The University of Queensland and now operating from new state-of-the art facility in Bundamba in Southeast Queensland.

For decades we have been a globally trusted supplier of bovine and ovine genomic testing solutions for various industries. Our lab in Queensland specialises in providing DNA tests for a wide variety of species, including beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, dogs, alpacas, goats, among others.

Neogen has a specialist team of territory managers across the country to support Angus breeders with starting on their genomic testing venture.

To find out more about HeiferSelect with Neogen and Angus Australia please get in touch.  CLICK HERE

About Neogen

Neogen Corporation develops and markets comprehensive solutions dedicated to food and animal safety, operating with the intention to “Every day, protect the people and animals we care about.”

Our Food Safety product range covers solutions for the Australasian Agribusiness sector including rapid diagnostic test kits to detect foodborne bacteria, mycotoxins, food allergens, and hygiene indicators through ATP sanitation monitoring and much more, all supported by our team and warehouse based right here in Australia.

NEOGEN’s Animal Safety segment is a leader in the development of genomics solutions along with the manufacturing, and distribution of a variety of animal safety products, including biosecurity, wound care, and disinfectants, as well as rodent and insect control solutions.

With NEOGEN, it’s not just about our products; our experienced Sales, Technical Support and Customer Service teams are on hand to offer guidance and support every step of the way.


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