Results of Ballot to consider changes to the Angus Australia Constitution

The results of the ballot recently conducted among members to consider changes to the Angus Australia Constitution have been scrutineered by Roberts & Morrow Audit services (the Company Auditor) and reviewed by the Board prior to release to Members on the Declaration Day of 26th November 2020.

The Auditor has confirmed that at least 75% of valid votes were received in favour of the following changes:

  1. Remove reference to State Committees and include Affiliated Angus Groups
  2. Amend the Objects of the Company to enable expansion beyond Australia
  3. Simplify membership application process enabling electronic enrolment
  4. Remove Commercial & Junior Commercial membership classes
  5. Enable membership transition via sale or inter-generational transfer
  6. Include broader definition for genetic evaluation services

Further details of the changes are provided below.   A revised copy of the Angus Australia Constitution, incorporating these changes is available on the Angus Australia website – see Angus Australia Constitution, November 2020 CLICK HERE

Details of approved changes to Angus Australia Constitution
  1. Remove reference to State Committees and include Affiliated Angus Groups.
    Approved changes: Remove existing clauses 16.4 (a) to 16.4 (h) replace with new clause 16.4 as follows:
    16.4 Affiliated Angus Breeder Groups
    a) Affiliated Angus Breeder Groups may be established to promote the interests of the Company.
    b) Such groups are subject to terms of reference determined by the Board from time to time.
    Remove reference to State Committees in other relevant clauses of i.e. Definitions; Membership entitlements (6.1(b), 6.3.2(b)(v), 6.3.3(c)(i), 6.3.4(c), 6.3.6(b); conduct of meetings (11.12, 21.1).
  2. Amend the Objects of the Company to enable expansion beyond Australia
    Approved changes: Amend the Objects of the Company, as specified in clause 3.1, as follows (i.e. removal of highlighted words with strikethrough):
    3.1. Objects of the Company
    The objects for which the Company is established are to carry out any activities which advance the interests of the Angus-based cattle industry. Included in these activities are those:
    (a) To maintain the Breeding Registers and any other pedigree and performance records needed for the genetic advancement of Angus-based cattle;
    (b) To increase Members’ ability to develop and produce world-leading Angus-based cattle and related genetics;
    (c) To increase Members’ ability to market world-leading Angus-based cattle and related genetics;
    (d) To increase Members’ ability to produce and market world-leading Angus-based beef and related animal by-products;
    (e) To establish relationships with other organisations whose purpose is to improve and promote the beef cattle industry.
  3. Simplify membership application process enabling electronic enrolment
    Approved changes: Amend clause 6.4(c) to provide greater flexibility to membership application process as follows (i.e. removal of highlighted words with strikethrough):
    6.4 (c) The application for membership (other than Honorary Life Member) shall be made by the applicant in such form as the Board prescribes from time to time;
  4. Remove Commercial & Junior Commercial membership classes (incorporate these into Full Member and Junior Member classes, respectively)
    Approved changes: Amend clauses 6.1(a), 6.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.5,10(m), 11.12(f), 16.4, and 22.6 to remove reference to “Commercial Member” and “Junior Commercial Member” membership classes.
  5. Enable membership transition via sale or inter-generational transfer
    Approved changes: Amend clause 6.7, to facilitate transition of membership through change of ownership or transfer of a membership entity, as follows (i.e. removal of highlighted words with strikethrough, and insertion of highlighted words with underline):
    6.7. Rights and Privileges of every Member.
    The rights and privileges of every Member by reason of membership of the Company:
    (a) May be transferred or transmitted to another person or entity by a Member’s own act or by operation of law; and
    (b) Terminates upon the cessation of membership for any reason.
  6. Include broader definition for genetic evaluation services
    Approved changes: Remove current definition “Angus Group Breedplan” and replace with the following new definition:
    ‘Angus Genetic Evaluation Services’ means services to members for genetic evaluation of Angus and Angus-influenced cattle using appropriate analytical tools selected by the Board from time to time.
    Amend clauses 6.3.4(d), clause 6.3.5(c), and 6.3.6(c) to replace “Angus Group Breedplan” with “Angus Genetic Evaluation Services”.

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